-`category`- The category of this notification, required for [interactive notifications](#interactive--actionable-notifications-ios-only)(optional).
-`userInfo`- An optional object containing additional notification data.
### Android
Much like on iOS, notifications can be triggered locally. The API to do so is a simplified version of the iOS equivalent that works more natually with the Android perception of push (remote) notifications:
title:"Local notification",
body:"This notification was generated by the app!",
Upon notification opening (tapping by the device user), all data fields will be delivered as-is).
### Cancel Local Notification
```NotificationsIOS.localNotification``` method returns `notificationId`, which is used in order to cancel created local notification. You can cancel local notification by calling `NotificationsIOS.cancelLocalNotification(notificationId)` method.
The `NotificationsIOS.localNotification()` and `NotificationsAndroid.localNotification()` methods return unique `notificationId` values, which can be used in order to cancel specific local notifications. You can cancel local notification by calling `NotificationsIOS.cancelLocalNotification(notificationId)` or `NotificationsAndroid.cancelLocalNotification(notificationId)`.