diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 341dc074e316b232f2ef82fde2f9e7595196944d..76db65b3602bae3de9785f01ac411f68cae397b7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ Handle all the aspects of push notifications for your app, including remote and
**All the native iOS notifications features are supported!**
->For information regarding proper integration with [react-native-navigation](https://github.com/wix/react-native-navigation), follow [this wiki](https://github.com/wix/react-native-notifications/wiki/Android:-working-with-RNN).
+_For information regarding proper integration with [react-native-navigation](https://github.com/wix/react-native-navigation), follow [this wiki](https://github.com/wix/react-native-notifications/wiki/Android:-working-with-RNN)._
-## Supported Features
-### iOS
+## iOS
- [Remote notifications](#handling-received-notifications).
- [Local notifications](#triggering-local-notifications).
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ Handle all the aspects of push notifications for your app, including remote and
- [PushKit API](#pushkit-api-ios-only) for VoIP and other background messages.
- [Interactive notifications](#interactive--actionable-notifications-ios-only) that allows you to provide additional functionality to your users outside of your application.
-
-### Android
+## Android
- Receiving notifications in any App state (foreground, background, "dead")
- Built-in notification drawer management
@@ -27,648 +27,17 @@ Handle all the aspects of push notifications for your app, including remote and
_Upcoming: local notifications, background-state Rx queue (iOS equivalent)_
-## Installation
-$ npm install react-native-notifications --save
-### iOS
-First, [Manually link](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/linking-libraries-ios.html#manual-linking) the library to your Xcode project.
-Then, to enable notifications support add the following line at the top of your `AppDelegate.m`
-#import "RNNotifications.h"
-And the following methods to support registration and receiving notifications:
-// Required to register for notifications
-- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterUserNotificationSettings:(UIUserNotificationSettings *)notificationSettings
- [RNNotifications didRegisterUserNotificationSettings:notificationSettings];
-- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken
- [RNNotifications didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:deviceToken];
-- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:(NSError *)error {
- [RNNotifications didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:error];
-// Required for the notification event.
-- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)notification {
- [RNNotifications didReceiveRemoteNotification:notification];
-// Required for the localNotification event.
-- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notification
- [RNNotifications didReceiveLocalNotification:notification];
-### Android
-Add a reference to the library's native code in your global `settings.gradle`:
-include ':reactnativenotifications'
-project(':reactnativenotifications').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-notifications/android')
-Declare the library as a dependency in your **app-project's** `build.gradle`:
-dependencies {
- // ...
- compile project(':reactnativenotifications')
-Add the library to your `MainApplication.java`:
-import com.wix.reactnativenotifications.RNNotificationsPackage;
- @Override
- protected List getPackages() {
- return Arrays.asList(
- new MainReactPackage(),
- // ...
- new RNNotificationsPackage(MainApplication.this)
- );
-### Receiving push notifications
-> This section is only necessary in case you wish to **receive** push notifications in your React-Native app.
-Push notifications on Android are managed and dispatched using [Google's GCM service](https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/gcm) (now integrated into Firebase). The following installation steps are a TL;DR of [Google's GCM setup guide](https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/android/client). You can follow them to get GCM integrated quickly, but we recommend that you will in the very least have a peek at the guide's overview.
-#### Step #1: Subscribe to Google's GCM
-To set GCM in your app, you must first create a Google API-project and obtain a **Sender ID** and a **Server API Key**. If you have no existing API project yet, the easiest way to go about in creating one is using [this step-by-step installation process](https://developers.google.com/mobile/add); Use [this tutorial](https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-get-started-with-push-notifications-on-android--cms-25870) for insturctions.
-Alternatively, follow [Google's complete guide](https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/android/client#create-an-api-project).
-#### Step #2: Add Sender ID to Manifest File
-Once obtained, bundle the Sender ID onto your main `manifest.xml` file:
- ...
- // Replace '1234567890' with your sender ID.
- // IMPORTANT: Leave the trailing \0 intact!!!
-## Register to Push Notifications
-### iOS
-In order to handle notifications, you must register before- handle `remoteNotificationsRegistered` event.
-In your React Native app:
-import NotificationsIOS from 'react-native-notifications';
-class App extends Component {
- constructor() {
- NotificationsIOS.addEventListener('remoteNotificationsRegistered', this.onPushRegistered.bind(this));
- NotificationsIOS.addEventListener('remoteNotificationsRegistrationFailed', this.onPushRegistrationFailed.bind(this));
- NotificationsIOS.requestPermissions();
- }
- onPushRegistered(deviceToken) {
- console.log("Device Token Received", deviceToken);
- }
- onPushRegistrationFailed(error) {
- // For example:
- //
- // error={
- // domain: 'NSCocoaErroDomain',
- // code: 3010,
- // localizedDescription: 'remote notifications are not supported in the simulator'
- // }
- console.error(error);
- }
- componentWillUnmount() {
- // prevent memory leaks!
- NotificationsIOS.removeEventListener('remoteNotificationsRegistered', this.onPushRegistered.bind(this));
- NotificationsIOS.removeEventListener('remoteNotificationsRegistrationFailed', this.onPushRegistrationFailed.bind(this));
- }
-When you have the device token, POST it to your server and register the device in your notifications provider (Amazon SNS, Azure, etc.).
-You can check if the user granted permissions by calling `checkPermissions()`:
-NotificationsIOS.checkPermissions().then((currentPermissions) => {
- console.log('Badges enabled: ' + !!currentPermissions.badge);
- console.log('Sounds enabled: ' + !!currentPermissions.sound);
- console.log('Alerts enabled: ' + !!currentPermissions.alert);
-### Android
-The React-Native code equivalent on Android is:
-import {NotificationsAndroid} from 'react-native-notifications';
-// On Android, we allow for only one (global) listener per each event type.
-NotificationsAndroid.setRegistrationTokenUpdateListener((deviceToken) => {
- console.log('Push-notifications registered!', deviceToken)
-`deviceToken` being the token used to identify the device on the GCM.
-## Handling Received Notifications
-### iOS
-When you receive a notification, the application can be in one of the following states:
-1. **Forground**- When the app in running and is used by the user right now. in this case, `notificationReceivedForeground` event will be fired.
-2. **Background**- When the app is running but in background state. in this case, `notificationReceivedBackground` event will be fired.
-3. **Notification Opened**- When you open the notifications from the notification center. in this case, `notificationOpened` event will be fired.
-constructor() {
- NotificationsIOS.addEventListener('notificationReceivedForeground', this.onNotificationReceivedForeground.bind(this));
- NotificationsIOS.addEventListener('notificationReceivedBackground', this.onNotificationReceivedBackground.bind(this));
- NotificationsIOS.addEventListener('notificationOpened', this.onNotificationOpened.bind(this));
-onNotificationReceivedForeground(notification) {
- console.log("Notification Received - Foreground", notification);
-onNotificationReceivedBackground(notification) {
- console.log("Notification Received - Background", notification);
-onNotificationOpened(notification) {
- console.log("Notification opened by device user", notification);
-componentWillUnmount() {
- // Don't forget to remove the event listeners to prevent memory leaks!
- NotificationsIOS.removeEventListener('notificationReceivedForeground', this.onNotificationReceivedForeground.bind(this));
- NotificationsIOS.removeEventListener('notificationReceivedBackground', this.onNotificationReceivedBackground.bind(this));
- NotificationsIOS.removeEventListener('notificationOpened', this.onNotificationOpened.bind(this));
-#### Notification Object
-When you receive a push notification, you'll get an instance of `IOSNotification` object, contains the following methods:
-- **`getMessage()`**- returns the notification's main message string.
-- **`getSound()`**- returns the sound string from the `aps` object.
-- **`getBadgeCount()`**- returns the badge count number from the `aps` object.
-- **`getCategory()`**- returns the category from the `aps` object (related to interactive notifications).
-- **`getData()`**- returns the data payload (additional info) of the notification.
-- **`getType()`**- returns `managed` for managed notifications, otherwise returns `regular`.
-#### Background Queue (Important!)
-When a push notification is opened but the app is not running, the application will be in a **cold launch** state, until the JS engine is up and ready to handle the notification.
-The application will collect the events (notifications, actions, etc.) that happend during the cold launch for you.
-When your app is ready (most of the time it's after the call to `requestPermissions()`), just call to `NotificationsIOS.consumeBackgroundQueue();` in order to consume the background queue. For more info see `index.ios.js` in the example app.
-### Android
-import {NotificationsAndroid} from 'react-native-notifications';
-// On Android, we allow for only one (global) listener per each event type.
-NotificationsAndroid.setNotificationReceivedListener((notification) => {
- console.log("Notification received on device", notification.getData());
-NotificationsAndroid.setNotificationOpenedListener((notification) => {
- console.log("Notification opened by device user", notification.getData());
-#### Notification Object
-- **`getData()`**- content of the `data` section of the original message (sent to GCM).
-- **`getTitle()`**- Convenience for returning `data.title`.
-- **`getMessage()`**- Convenience for returning `data.body`.
-## Querying initial notification
-React-Native's [`PushNotificationsIOS.getInitialNotification()`](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/pushnotificationios.html#getinitialnotification) allows for the async retrieval of the original notification used to open the App on iOS, but it has no equivalent implementation for Android.
-We provide a similar implementation on Android using `PendingNotifications.getInitialNotification()` which returns a promise:
-import {NotificationsAndroid, PendingNotifications} from 'react-native-notifications';
- .then((notification) => {
- console.log("Initial notification was:", (notification ? notification.getData() : 'N/A'));
- })
- .catch((err) => console.error("getInitialNotifiation() failed", err));
-> Notifications are considered 'initial' under the following terms:
-> - User tapped on a notification, _AND_ -
-> - App was either not running at all ("dead" state), _OR_ it existed in the background with **no running activities** associated with it.
-## Triggering Local Notifications
-### iOS
-You can manually trigger local notifications in your JS code, to be posted immediately or in the future.
-Triggering local notifications is fully compatible with React Native `PushNotificationsIOS` library.
-let localNotification = NotificationsIOS.localNotification({
- alertBody: "Local notificiation!",
- alertTitle: "Local Notification Title",
- soundName: "chime.aiff",
- silent: false,
- category: "SOME_CATEGORY",
- userInfo: { }
-Notification object contains:
-- **`fireDate`**- The date and time when the system should deliver the notification (optinal - default is immidiate dispatch).
-- `alertBody`- The message displayed in the notification alert.
-- `alertTitle`- The title of the notification, displayed in the notifications center.
-- `alertAction`- The "action" displayed beneath an actionable notification on the lockscreen (e.g. "Slide to **open**"). Note that Apple no longer shows this in iOS 10.
-- `soundName`- The sound played when the notification is fired (optional -- will play default sound if unspecified). This must be the filename of a sound included in the application bundle; the sound must be 30 seconds or less and should be encoded with linear PCM or IMA4.
-- `silent`- Whether the notification sound should be suppressed (optional).
-- `category`- The category of this notification, required for [interactive notifications](#interactive--actionable-notifications-ios-only) (optional).
-- `userInfo`- An optional object containing additional notification data.
-### Android
-Much like on iOS, notifications can be triggered locally. The API to do so is a simplified version of the iOS equivalent that works more natually with the Android perception of push (remote) notifications:
- title: "Local notification",
- body: "This notification was generated by the app!",
- extra: "data"
-Upon notification opening (tapping by the device user), all data fields will be delivered as-is).
-### Cancel Scheduled Local Notifications
-The `NotificationsIOS.localNotification()` and `NotificationsAndroid.localNotification()` methods return unique `notificationId` values, which can be used in order to cancel specific local notifications that were scheduled for delivery on `fireDate` and have not yet been delivered. You can cancel local notification by calling `NotificationsIOS.cancelLocalNotification(notificationId)` or `NotificationsAndroid.cancelLocalNotification(notificationId)`.
-Example (iOS):
-let someLocalNotification = NotificationsIOS.localNotification({
- alertBody: "Local notificiation!",
- alertTitle: "Local Notification Title",
- soundName: "chime.aiff",
- category: "SOME_CATEGORY",
- userInfo: { }
-To cancel all local notifications (**iOS only!**), use `cancelAllLocalNotifications()`:
-### Cancel Delivered Local Notifications (iOS 10+ only)
-To dismiss notifications from the notification center that have already been shown to the user, call `NotificationsIOS.removeDeliveredNotifications([notificationId])`:
-let someLocalNotification = NotificationsIOS.localNotification({...});
-Call `removeAllDeliveredNotifications()` to dismiss all delivered notifications
-(note that this will dismiss push notifications in addition to local
-## Managed Notifications (iOS only)
-Managed notifications are notifications that can be cleared by a server request.
-You can find this feature in facebook messenger, when you receive a message in your mobile, but open it in facebook web. More examples are Whatsapp web and gmail app.
-In order to handle managed notifications, your app must support background notifications, and the server should send the notifications you'd like to "manage" a bit differently. Let's start.
-First, enable the *Remote notifications* checkbox under **capabilities - Background Modes**:
-
-Then, add the following lines to `info.plist`:
- remote-notification
-That's it for the client side!
-Now the server should push the notification a bit differently- background instead of reguler. You should also provide the action (`CREATE` notification or `CLEAR` notification), and `notificationId` as a unique identifier of the notification.
-**Regular** notification payload:
- aps: {
- alert: {
- body: "This is regular notification"
- },
- badge: 5,
- sound: "chime.aiff",
- }
-**Managed** notification payload:
- aps: {
- "content-available": 1
- },
- managedAps: {
- action: "CREATE", // set it to "CLEAR" in order to clear the notification remotely
- notificationId: "1234", // must be unique identifier
- sound: "chime.aiff",
- alert: {
- body: "This is managed notification"
- }
- }
-## Remove notifications (iOS only)
-### getDeliveredNotifications
-`PushNotification.getDeliveredNotifications(callback: (notifications: Array