Commit 8696167e authored by Lidan Hifi's avatar Lidan Hifi

return unified IOSNotification object for regular and managed notifications

parent 6fa36f2b
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Handle push notifications for your app, including remote and local notifications
**Work in progress, please notice that this library is not production-ready yet!**
- Return unified notification object for regular & managed notifications.
- Add permissions management.
- Add interactive notifications support.
- Better support of local notifications.
......@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ static NSString* username;
+ (void)didReceiveNotificationOnBackgroundState:(NSDictionary *)notification
NSDictionary* customData = [notification objectForKey:@"customData"];
NSDictionary* alert = [customData objectForKey:@"alert"];
NSString* action = [customData objectForKey:@"action"];
NSString* notificationId = [customData objectForKey:@"notificationId"];
NSDictionary* managedAps = [notification objectForKey:@"managedAps"];
NSDictionary* alert = [managedAps objectForKey:@"alert"];
NSString* action = [managedAps objectForKey:@"action"];
NSString* notificationId = [managedAps objectForKey:@"notificationId"];
if (action) {
// create or delete notification
......@@ -122,10 +122,10 @@ static NSString* username;
+ (void)dispatchLocalNotificationFromNotification:(NSDictionary *)notification
NSDictionary* customData = [notification objectForKey:@"customData"];
NSDictionary* alert = [customData objectForKey:@"alert"];
NSString* action = [customData objectForKey:@"action"];
NSString* notificationId = [customData objectForKey:@"notificationId"];
NSDictionary* managedAps = [notification objectForKey:@"managedAps"];
NSDictionary* alert = [managedAps objectForKey:@"alert"];
NSString* action = [managedAps objectForKey:@"action"];
NSString* notificationId = [managedAps objectForKey:@"notificationId"];
if ([action isEqualToString: RNNotificationCreateAction]
&& notificationId
......@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ static NSString* username;
UILocalNotification* note = [[UILocalNotification alloc] init];
note.alertTitle = [alert objectForKey:@"title"];
note.alertBody = [alert objectForKey:@"body"];
note.userInfo = customData;
note.soundName = [customData objectForKey:@"sound"];
note.userInfo = managedAps;
note.soundName = [managedAps objectForKey:@"sound"];
NSLog(@"Presenting local notification...");
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] presentLocalNotificationNow:note];
......@@ -9,5 +9,15 @@
"react": "^0.14.7",
"react-native": "^0.22.2",
"react-native-notifications": "../"
"devDependencies": {
"babel-preset-react-native": "^1.5.6",
"babel-preset-stage-1": "^6.5.0"
"babel": {
"presets": [
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
import { NativeModules, DeviceEventEmitter } from "react-native";
import Map from "core-js/library/es6/map";
let NativeRNNotifications = NativeModules.RNNotifications; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
import IOSNotification from "./notification.ios";
export const DEVICE_NOTIFICATION_RECEIVED_FOREGROUND_EVENT = "notificationReceivedForeground";
export const DEVICE_NOTIFICATION_RECEIVED_BACKGROUND_EVENT = "notificationReceivedBackground";
......@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ export default class NotificationsIOS {
let listener = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener(
notification => handler(notification)
notification => handler(new IOSNotification(notification))
_notificationHandlers.set(handler, listener);
export default class IOSNotification {
_data: Object;
_alert: string | Object;
_sound: string;
_badge: number;
_category: string;
_type: string; // regular / managed
constructor(notification: Object) {
this._data = {};
if (notification.aps &&
notification.aps["content-available"] &&
notification.aps["content-available"] === 1 &&
!notification.aps.alert &&
!notification.aps.sound &&
!notification.aps.badge &&
notification.managedAps) {
// managed notification
this._alert = notification.managedAps.alert;
this._sound = notification.managedAps.sound;
this._badge = notification.managedAps.badge;
this._category = notification.managedAps.category;
this._type = "managed";
} else if (
notification.aps &&
notification.aps.alert) {
// regular notification
this._alert = notification.aps.alert;
this._sound = notification.aps.sound;
this._badge = notification.aps.badge;
this._category = notification.aps.category;
this._type = "regular";
Object.keys(notification).filter(key => key !== "aps").forEach(key => {
this._data[key] = notification[key];
getMessage(): ?string | ?Object {
return this._alert;
getSound(): ?string {
return this._sound;
getBadgeCount(): ?number {
return this._badge;
getCategory(): ?string {
return this._category;
getData(): ?Object {
return this._data;
getType(): ?string {
return this._type;
"name": "react-native-notifications",
"version": "0.0.5",
"version": "0.0.6",
"description": "Advanced Push Notifications (Silent, interactive notifications) for iOS & Android",
"author": "Lidan Hifi <>",
"license": "MIT",
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
"devDependencies": {
"babel-eslint": "^6.0.2",
"babel-plugin-transform-class-properties": "^6.6.0",
"babel-preset-es2015": "^6.6.0",
"babel-preset-react": "^6.5.0",
"babel-register": "^6.7.2",
......@@ -56,6 +57,9 @@
"presets": [
"plugins": [
let expect = require("chai").use(require("sinon-chai")).expect;
let proxyquire = require("proxyquire");
let sinon = require("sinon");
import proxyquire from "proxyquire";
import sinon from "sinon";
describe("NotificationsIOS", () => {
let deviceEvents = [
......@@ -78,4 +78,6 @@ describe("NotificationsIOS", () => {
// TODO: Test handle notification with IOSNotification object
import { expect } from "chai";
import IOSNotification from "../notification.ios";
describe("iOS Notification Object", () => {
let notification;
let someBadgeCount = 123, someSound = "someSound", someCategory = "some_notification_category";
describe("for a regular iOS push notification", () => {
let regularNativeNotifications = [
// basic example, without content-available = 1 (aka silent notification)
aps: {
alert: {
title: "some title",
body: "some body"
badge: someBadgeCount,
sound: someSound,
category: someCategory
key1: "value1",
key2: "value2"
// another example, with content-available but also with alert object (should not be a silent notification)
aps: {
"content-available": 1,
alert: {
title: "some title",
body: "some body"
badge: someBadgeCount,
sound: someSound,
category: someCategory
key1: "value1",
key2: "value2"
regularNativeNotifications.forEach(nativeNotification => {
beforeEach(() => {
notification = new IOSNotification(nativeNotification);
it("should return 'regular' type", function () {
it("should return the alert object", () => {
it("should return the sound", () => {
it("should return the badge count", () => {
it("should return the category", () => {
it("should return the custom data", () => {
expect(notification.getData()).to.deep.equal({ key1: "value1", key2: "value2" });
describe("for a managed iOS push notification (silent notification, with managedAps key and content-available = 1)", () => {
let managedNativeNotification = {
aps: {
"content-available": 1
managedAps: {
action: "CREATE",
notificationId: "1",
alert: {
title: "some title",
body: "some body"
badge: someBadgeCount,
sound: someSound,
category: someCategory
key1: "value1",
key2: "value2"
beforeEach(() => {
notification = new IOSNotification(managedNativeNotification);
it("should return 'managed' type", function () {
it("should return the alert object", () => {
it("should return the sound", () => {
it("should return the badge count", () => {
it("should return the category", () => {
it("should return the custom data", () => {
expect(notification.getData()).to.deep.equal({ managedAps: managedNativeNotification.managedAps, key1: "value1", key2: "value2" });
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