true false true true false true false @android:color/black #7fa87f @android:color/black @android:color/black @color/material_deep_teal_200 @color/material_deep_teal_500 @color/material_grey_800 @android:color/white @color/material_grey_850 @color/material_grey_50 #80ffffff #80000000 @color/bright_foreground_material_light @color/bright_foreground_material_dark @android:color/white @android:color/black #ff5a595b #ffd6d7d7 #eecc0000 #80bebebe #80323232 #ffbebebe #ff323232 @android:color/white @android:color/black #6680cbc4 #66009688 @color/bright_foreground_disabled_material_dark @color/bright_foreground_disabled_material_light #ff37474f #ff263238 #ff21272b #ff80cbc4 #ff009688 #fff5f5f5 #ffe0e0e0 #fffafafa #ff757575 #ff424242 #ff303030 #ff212121 @android:color/black @color/material_grey_600 @color/material_grey_900 @color/material_grey_100 #ffffffff #de000000 #4Dffffff #39000000 #42ffffff #1f000000 #b3ffffff #8a000000 #36ffffff #24000000 #ff616161 #ffbdbdbd #ffbdbdbd #fff1f1f1 16dp 56dp 0dp 0dp 16dp 10dp 6dp 40dp 48dp 180dp 5dp -3dp 48dp 48dp 36dp 48dp @dimen/abc_control_inset_material 6dp 8dp @dimen/abc_control_padding_material 320dp 2dp 4dp 4dp 8dp 65% 95% 24dp 18dp 0.30 0.26 32dip 8dip 8dip 7dp 4dp 10dp 16dp @dimen/abc_action_bar_content_inset_material 296dp 320dip 160dip 3dp 14sp 14sp 14sp 12sp 34sp 45sp 56sp 112sp 24sp 22sp 18sp 16sp 14sp 16sp 16dp 20sp 20dp 80% 100% 320dp 320dp 0.30 0.26 0.26 0.20 0.12 20dp 64dp 64dp 12dp #3333B5E5 220 150 2 127 999 Navigate home %1$s, %2$s %1$s, %2$s, %3$s Navigate up More options Done See all Choose an app Search… Clear query Search query Search Submit query Voice search Share with Share with %s Collapse Debug in Chrome Stop Chrome Debugging Show Inspector Hide Inspector Enable Hot Module Replacement Disable Hot Module Replacement Unable to download JS bundle from the dev server.\n\nTry the following to fix the issue:\n• Ensure that the packager server is running\n• Ensure that your device/emulator is connected to your machine and has USB debugging enabled - run \'adb devices\' to see a list of connected devices\n• If you\'re on a physical device connected to the same machine, run \'adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081\' to forward requests from your device\n• If your device is on the same Wi-Fi network, set \'Debug server host & port for device\' in \'Dev settings\' to your machine\'s IP address and the port of the local dev server - e.g. Fetching JS bundle Please wait… Enable Live Reload Disable Live Reload Enable Perf Monitor Disable Perf Monitor Reload JS Unable to connect with remote debugger Connecting to remote debugger Dev Settings Catalyst Dev Settings Start Profile Stop Profile 999+