Commit ec48965f authored by Keanu Pang's avatar Keanu Pang

HA-1053 Workaround fix for memory allocation in unzip process

parent 000fb6b0
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ public enum ZipError: Error {
case unzipFail
/// Zip fail
case zipFail
/// User readable description
public var description: String {
switch self {
......@@ -64,56 +64,56 @@ public struct ArchiveFile {
/// Zip class
public class Zip {
Set of vaild file extensions
internal static var customFileExtensions: Set<String> = []
// MARK: Lifecycle
- returns: Zip object
public init () {
// MARK: Unzip
Unzip file
- parameter zipFilePath: Local file path of zipped file. NSURL.
- parameter destination: Local file path to unzip to. NSURL.
- parameter overwrite: Overwrite bool.
- parameter password: Optional password if file is protected.
- parameter progress: A progress closure called after unzipping each file in the archive. Double value betweem 0 and 1.
- throws: Error if unzipping fails or if fail is not found. Can be printed with a description variable.
- notes: Supports implicit progress composition
public class func unzipFile(_ zipFilePath: URL, destination: URL, overwrite: Bool, password: String?, progress: ((_ progress: Double) -> ())? = nil, fileOutputHandler: ((_ unzippedFile: URL) -> Void)? = nil) throws {
// File manager
let fileManager = FileManager.default
// Check whether a zip file exists at path.
let path = zipFilePath.path
if fileManager.fileExists(atPath: path) == false || fileExtensionIsInvalid(zipFilePath.pathExtension) {
throw ZipError.fileNotFound
// Unzip set up
var ret: Int32 = 0
var crc_ret: Int32 = 0
let bufferSize: UInt32 = 4096
var buffer = Array<CUnsignedChar>(repeating: 0, count: Int(bufferSize))
// Progress handler set up
var totalSize: Double = 0.0
var currentPosition: Double = 0.0
......@@ -121,12 +121,12 @@ public class Zip {
if let attributeFileSize = fileAttributes[FileAttributeKey.size] as? Double {
totalSize += attributeFileSize
let progressTracker = Progress(totalUnitCount: Int64(totalSize))
progressTracker.isCancellable = false
progressTracker.isPausable = false
progressTracker.kind = ProgressKind.file
// Begin unzipping
let zip = unzOpen64(path)
defer {
......@@ -153,24 +153,25 @@ public class Zip {
throw ZipError.unzipFail
currentPosition += Double(fileInfo.compressed_size)
let fileNameSize = Int(fileInfo.size_filename) + 1
fileInfo.size_filename = 10240
let fileNameSize = 10240 // Int(fileInfo.size_filename) + 1
//let fileName = UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>(allocatingCapacity: fileNameSize)
let fileName = UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>.allocate(capacity: fileNameSize)
unzGetCurrentFileInfo64(zip, &fileInfo, fileName, UInt(fileNameSize), nil, 0, nil, 0)
fileName[Int(fileInfo.size_filename)] = 0
//fileName[Int(fileInfo.size_filename)] = 0
var pathString = String(cString: fileName)
guard pathString.count > 0 else {
throw ZipError.unzipFail
var isDirectory = false
let fileInfoSizeFileName = Int(fileInfo.size_filename-1)
if (fileName[fileInfoSizeFileName] == "/".cString(using: String.Encoding.utf8)?.first || fileName[fileInfoSizeFileName] == "\\".cString(using: String.Encoding.utf8)?.first) {
isDirectory = true;
// var isDirectory = false
// let fileInfoSizeFileName = Int(fileInfo.size_filename-1)
// if (fileName[fileInfoSizeFileName] == "/".cString(using: String.Encoding.utf8)?.first || fileName[fileInfoSizeFileName] == "\\".cString(using: String.Encoding.utf8)?.first) {
// isDirectory = true;
// }
if pathString.rangeOfCharacter(from: CharacterSet(charactersIn: "/\\")) != nil {
pathString = pathString.replacingOccurrences(of: "\\", with: "/")
......@@ -184,15 +185,15 @@ public class Zip {
FileAttributeKey.modificationDate : creationDate]
do {
if isDirectory {
try fileManager.createDirectory(atPath: fullPath, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: directoryAttributes)
else {
// if isDirectory {
// try fileManager.createDirectory(atPath: fullPath, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: directoryAttributes)
// }
// else {
let parentDirectory = (fullPath as NSString).deletingLastPathComponent
try fileManager.createDirectory(atPath: parentDirectory, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: directoryAttributes)
// }
} catch {}
if fileManager.fileExists(atPath: fullPath) && !isDirectory && !overwrite {
if fileManager.fileExists(atPath: fullPath) && !overwrite { // !isDirectory && !overwrite {
ret = unzGoToNextFile(zip)
......@@ -237,61 +238,61 @@ public class Zip {
ret = unzGoToNextFile(zip)
// Update progress handler
if let progressHandler = progress{
if let fileHandler = fileOutputHandler,
let encodedString = fullPath.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed),
let fileUrl = URL(string: encodedString) {
progressTracker.completedUnitCount = Int64(currentPosition)
} while (ret == UNZ_OK && ret != UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE)
// Completed. Update progress handler.
if let progressHandler = progress{
progressTracker.completedUnitCount = Int64(totalSize)
// MARK: Zip
Zip files.
- parameter paths: Array of NSURL filepaths.
- parameter zipFilePath: Destination NSURL, should lead to a .zip filepath.
- parameter password: Password string. Optional.
- parameter compression: Compression strategy
- parameter progress: A progress closure called after unzipping each file in the archive. Double value betweem 0 and 1.
- throws: Error if zipping fails.
- notes: Supports implicit progress composition
public class func zipFiles(paths: [URL], zipFilePath: URL, password: String?, compression: ZipCompression = .DefaultCompression, progress: ((_ progress: Double) -> ())?) throws {
// File manager
let fileManager = FileManager.default
// Check whether a zip file exists at path.
let destinationPath = zipFilePath.path
// Process zip paths
let processedPaths = ZipUtilities().processZipPaths(paths)
// Zip set up
let chunkSize: Int = 16384
// Progress handler set up
var currentPosition: Double = 0.0
var totalSize: Double = 0.0
......@@ -307,12 +308,12 @@ public class Zip {
catch {}
let progressTracker = Progress(totalUnitCount: Int64(totalSize))
progressTracker.isCancellable = false
progressTracker.isPausable = false
progressTracker.kind = ProgressKind.file
// Begin Zipping
let zip = zipOpen(destinationPath, APPEND_STATUS_CREATE)
for path in processedPaths {
......@@ -357,44 +358,44 @@ public class Zip {
length = fread(buffer, 1, chunkSize, input)
zipWriteInFileInZip(zip, buffer, UInt32(length))
// Update progress handler
if let progressHandler = progress{
progressTracker.completedUnitCount = Int64(currentPosition)
zipClose(zip, nil)
// Completed. Update progress handler.
if let progressHandler = progress{
progressTracker.completedUnitCount = Int64(totalSize)
Zip data in memory.
- parameter archiveFiles:Array of Archive Files.
- parameter zipFilePath: Destination NSURL, should lead to a .zip filepath.
- parameter password: Password string. Optional.
- parameter compression: Compression strategy
- parameter progress: A progress closure called after unzipping each file in the archive. Double value betweem 0 and 1.
- throws: Error if zipping fails.
- notes: Supports implicit progress composition
public class func zipData(archiveFiles:[ArchiveFile], zipFilePath:URL, password: String?, compression: ZipCompression = .DefaultCompression, progress: ((_ progress: Double) -> ())?) throws {
let destinationPath = zipFilePath.path
// Progress handler set up
......@@ -475,51 +476,51 @@ public class Zip {
progressTracker.completedUnitCount = Int64(totalSize)
Check if file extension is invalid.
- parameter fileExtension: A file extension.
- returns: false if the extension is a valid file extension, otherwise true.
internal class func fileExtensionIsInvalid(_ fileExtension: String?) -> Bool {
guard let fileExtension = fileExtension else { return true }
return !isValidFileExtension(fileExtension)
Add a file extension to the set of custom file extensions
- parameter fileExtension: A file extension.
public class func addCustomFileExtension(_ fileExtension: String) {
Remove a file extension from the set of custom file extensions
- parameter fileExtension: A file extension.
public class func removeCustomFileExtension(_ fileExtension: String) {
Check if a specific file extension is valid
- parameter fileExtension: A file extension.
- returns: true if the extension valid, otherwise false.
public class func isValidFileExtension(_ fileExtension: String) -> Bool {
let validFileExtensions: Set<String> = customFileExtensions.union(["zip", "cbz"])
return validFileExtensions.contains(fileExtension)
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