import invariant from "invariant"; import { Shaders, runtime } from "gl-react"; import isAnimated from "gl-react/src/isAnimated"; import makeSurface from "./makeSurface"; import GLCanvas from "./GLCanvas"; import {NativeModules, View, Animated, Image} from "react-native"; import resolveAssetSource from "react-native/Libraries/Image/resolveAssetSource"; const {RNGLContext} = NativeModules; invariant(RNGLContext, `gl-react-native: the native module is not available. Make sure you have properly configured it. See README install instructions. NativeModules.RNGLContext is %s`, RNGLContext); // Hook Shaders to RNGLContext Shaders.setImplementation({ add: (id, shader) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => RNGLContext.addShader(id, shader, (error, result) => { if (error) reject(error); else resolve(result); })), remove: id => RNGLContext.removeShader(id) }); if (__DEV__) { runtime.decorateVDOMContent = vdom => { if (vdom && vdom.type === Image && !vdom.props.glReactUseImage) { console.warn( `gl-react: Found a ReactNative.Image element. This is not performant. Try one of these: - pass-in directly the image URL in your uniforms. - use gl-react-image which implements the same Image API directly in OpenGL. - If you need more features like padding, explicitly setting image size, you can implement your own shader. If you still want to do this, add a glReactUseImage prop to the Image to disable this warning. `); } return vdom; }; } module.exports = { resolveAssetSource, Surface: makeSurface({ View, GLCanvas, getGLCanvas: glSurface => glSurface.refs.canvas, dimensionInvariant: (value, field) => isAnimated(value) ? invariant(false, "GL.Surface "+field+" prop cannot be an Animated object. Use GL.AnimatedSurface instead") : invariant(typeof value === "number" && value > 0, "GL.Surface: "+field+" prop must be a strictly positive number") }), AnimatedSurface: makeSurface({ View: Animated.View, GLCanvas: Animated.createAnimatedComponent(GLCanvas), getGLCanvas: glSurface => glSurface.refs.canvas._component, dimensionInvariant: (value, field) => invariant( isAnimated(value) || typeof value === "number" && value > 0, "GL.AnimatedSurface: "+field+" must be a strictly positive number OR an Animated object" ) }), };