const invariant = require("invariant"); const {createSurface} = require("gl-react"); invariant(typeof createSurface === "function", "gl-react createSurface is not a function. Check your gl-react dependency"); const React = require("react-native"); const { View, PixelRatio } = React; const GLCanvas = require("./GLCanvas"); const getPixelRatio = props => props.scale || PixelRatio.get(); function renderVcontent (width, height, id, children, { visibleContent }) { const childrenStyle = { position: "absolute", top: visibleContent ? 0 : height, // as a workaround for RN, we offset the content so it is not visible but still can be rasterized left: 0, width: width, height: height, overflow: "hidden", }; return {children}; } function renderVGL (props) { return ; } function renderVcontainer ({ style, width, height, visibleContent, eventsThrough }, contents, renderer) { const parentStyle = [ { position: "relative", }, style, { width: width, height: height, overflow: "hidden", } ]; return {contents} {renderer} ; } module.exports = createSurface( renderVcontainer, renderVcontent, renderVGL, getPixelRatio);