# gl-react-native `gl-react-native` implements OpenGL bindings for react-native. It lets you implements complex effects on top of images and components and in the Virtual DOM descriptive paradigm. More technically, `gl-react-native` allows you to write a fragment shader that renders either: in a standalone way, using images, or over any UI content. A React version also exists: [`gl-react`](http://github.com/ProjectSeptemberInc/gl-react). ## Installation a few steps are required to install gl-react-native: ### install the dependency from your React Native application. ``` npm i --save gl-react-native ``` ### Configure your React Native Application ![](docs/install-steps.png) ## Credits / Inspiration - [stack.gl](http://stack.gl/) approach - [GLSL.io](http://glsl.io/) and [Diaporama](https://github.com/gre/diaporama) - Source code of [React Native](https://github.com/facebook/react-native)