Commit 87962684 authored by YM-RD-AP01\ymadmin's avatar YM-RD-AP01\ymadmin

scott: Job [Deploy_Batch_Prod] configuration updated

Change performed by ·¨¼y°ó
parent 4fde1695
......@@ -185,10 +185,7 @@ for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('git rev-parse --short HEAD') do s
for /F "delims=/ tokens=3" %%i in ("%GIT_BRANCH%") do set version=%%i
for /f %%a in ('git describe --tags') do set "tags=%%a"

echo Version:%VAR%
sed -i "s/<title.*/<title ng-bind='page_title'>CRM %tags%_%version%_%VAR%<\/title\/>/" src\main\resources\static\index.html
sed -i "s/<base.*/<base href=\"\/CRM\/\" version=\"%tags%_%version%_%VAR%\"\/>/" src\main\resources\static\indexMinify.html
echo Version:%VAR% &gt; src\main\resources\version.txt</command>
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