Commit 9e4a3216 authored by YM-RD-AP01\ymadmin's avatar YM-RD-AP01\ymadmin

20170121: Job [HRB_Mobile_UAT_apk] configuration updated

Change performed by §N¨ήS
parent 2cb2a2cb
......@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ sed -i "" '/url/s/http.*\//http:\/\/\//g' src/co
sed -i '' "/version/s/\'.*\';/\'${VERSION}\';/" src/configs/index.js
sed -i '' "/modifiedTime/s/\'.*\';/\'${MODIFIED_DATE}\';/" src/configs/index.js
sed -i '' "/allergyUrl/s/\__DEV__.*\';/\'http:\/\/\/\';/" src/configs/index.js
sed -i '' 's/appVersion.*/appVersion": "1.27"/' appConfig.json
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/jenkins/Library/Android/sdk
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