Hi365 iOS IPA Packager false com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider.View:longmengua hudson.model.Item.Build:longmengua hudson.model.Item.Cancel:longmengua hudson.model.Item.Configure:longmengua hudson.model.Item.Discover:longmengua hudson.model.Item.Gitflow:longmengua hudson.model.Item.Read:longmengua hudson.model.Item.Workspace:longmengua ylhealth BUILD_TYPE Debug Release BUILD_BRANCH develop master -1 5 -1 -1 2 https://cm.ylhealth.org/gitlab/YongYue/hi365-app.git/ 3485e854-8389-40e8-8c86-b94e94e91904 */${BUILD_BRANCH} false Mac_Node1 false false false false false # Choose build dart by environment if [ $BUILD_BRANCH == "master" ] then default_doc="main_uat.dart" else default_doc="main_sit.dart" fi # Set the variable project_path=$(pwd) flutter build ios -t lib/${default_doc} cd $project_path/ios now=$(date +"%Y_%m_%d_%H:%M") current_date=$(date +"%Y%m%d") app_version=$(grep 'version:' ${project_path}/pubspec.yaml | cut -d ' ' -f2) git_short_hash=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) scheme="Runner" # package configuration for fastlane configuration=${BUILD_TYPE} # export methods supports app-store, package, ad-hoc, enterprise, development and developer-id. if [ $BUILD_TYPE == "Release" ] then export_method="app-store" elif [ $BUILD_TYPE == "AdHoc" ] then export_method="ad-hoc" else export_method="development" fi # iOS project path workspace_path="${project_path}/ios/Runner.xcodeproj" # ipa export folder rm -rf "${project_path}/ipa" mkdir -p "${project_path}/ipa" output_path="${project_path}/ipa" # project archive path archive_path="$output_path/hi365_${export_method}_${now}.xcarchive" # ipa name ipa_name="Hi365_SIT_${current_date}_${git_short_hash}.ipa" # ipa export path ipa_path="$output_path/${ipa_name}" commit_msg="$1" # show env settings echo "===workspace path: ${workspace_path}===" echo "===archive path: ${archive_path}===" echo "===ipa path: ${ipa_path}===" echo "===export method: ${export_method}===" echo "===commit msg: $1===" # Clean build and deploy fastlane gym --scheme ${scheme} --clean --configuration ${configuration} --archive_path ${archive_path} --export_method ${export_method} --output_directory ${output_path} --output_name ${ipa_name} if [ ${export_method} != "app-store" ] then echo "Deploy to IPA repository" scp -i ~/jenkins/jenkins ${ipa_path} appuploader@${ipa_name} fi NotifyMessage=Deploy Hi365 IOS done in SIT. false Notify_Group SUCCESS false false NotifyMessage=Deploy Hi365 IOS on SIT 失敗,請檢查 false Notify_Group UNSTABLE_OR_WORSE false false false false