注意! 這是前台 目前先配合SVN的英文名稱 1. Delete the workspace 2. Download source code 3. Build code 4. Dependency check analysis 5. Deploy website 6. Wait until website ready 7. Run automation to test 8. Send daily report for owner false 2 https://cm.ylhealth.org/gitlab/ym/HRB.git 3485e854-8389-40e8-8c86-b94e94e91904 develop release hotfix false "Build Node 134" false true false false H 13 * * 1-6 false clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true Maven_3.39 false true SUCCESS 0 BLUE true SUCCESS 0 BLUE true Deploy_HRB_Frontend_1PM ALWAYS false false FAILURE 2 RED true UNSTABLE 1 YELLOW true FAILURE 2 RED true false HRB_Backend_Detect_Web_Launch ALWAYS false false FAILURE 2 RED true UNSTABLE 1 YELLOW true FAILURE 2 RED true false false 60