1. Build Code and run unit test. 2. Source Code Analysis 3. Print Coverage Report 4. Print Unit Test Report Jenkins will send email to RD Team if build fails. false ylhealth -1 10 -1 -1 2 https://cm.ylhealth.org/gitlab/ym/HRB.git 3485e854-8389-40e8-8c86-b94e94e91904 origin/${gitlabSourceBranch} false "Build Node 134"||"Build Node 133"||master false false false false true true false false false false never true Jenkins please retry a build true true true RegexBasedFilter (.*release.*|.*hotfix.*|.*develop|.*master) {AQAAABAAAAAQt2aGIBYIosnoOhb0hHTuW9v9TWpPb86/R29exs3mHEk=} false false clean package -Dcobertura.report.format=xml -Pjenkins_analysis Maven_3.39 false true target/jacoco.exec false false false false false NEVER_STORE false false UTF-8 false UTF-8 false false false true - false 0 0 LOW false false false false AGGREGATION_TOOLS **/target/surefire-reports/*.xml false 1.0 false $RD_Group false false false false