Commit 232cbf28 authored by Dmitriy Kolesnikov's avatar Dmitriy Kolesnikov

Check newIntent extras for null

parent 212eb474
......@@ -122,13 +122,16 @@ public class FIRMessagingModule extends ReactContextBaseJavaModule implements Li
public void onHostResume() {
Intent newIntent = getCurrentActivity().getIntent();
if(newIntent != mIntent && newIntent != null){
WritableMap params = Arguments.fromBundle(newIntent.getExtras());
if(newIntent != mIntent && newIntent != null && newIntent.getExtras() != null){
Bundle extras = newIntent.getExtras();
if (extras != null) {
WritableMap params = Arguments.fromBundle(extras);
WritableMap fcm = Arguments.createMap();
fcm.putString("action", newIntent.getAction());
params.putMap("fcm", fcm);
sendEvent("FCMNotificationReceived", params);
mIntent = newIntent;
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