# react-native-picker A Picker written in pure javascript for cross-platform support. It was most likely an example of how to build a cross-platform Picker Component use [react-native-picker-android](https://github.com/beefe/react-native-picker-android). Needs react-native >= 0.14.2 ![ui](./doc/ui.gif) ###Documentation ####Props - pickerHeight number - showDuration number - pickerData array - selectedValue any - onPickerDone function ####Methods - toggle show or hide picker, default to be hiden ###Usage ####Step 1 - install ``` npm install react-native-picker --save ``` ####Step 2 - import and use in project ```javascript import Picker from 'react-native-picker' {this.picker = picker;}} pickerHeight={300} showDuration={300} pickerData={}//picker`s value List selectedValue={}//default to be selected value onPickerDone={}//when confirm your choice /> ``` ###Notice ####support two modes: 1. parallel: such as time picker, wheels have no connection with each other 2. cascade: such as date picker, address picker .etc, when front wheel changed, the behind wheels will all be reset ####parallel: - single wheel: ```javascript pickerData = [1,2,3,4]; selectedValue = 3; ``` - two or more wheel: ```javascript pickerData = [ [1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], ... ]; selectedValue = [1, 5]; ``` ####cascade: - two wheel ```javascript pickerData = { { a: [1,2,3,4], b: [5,6,7,8], ... } }; selectedValue = ['a', 2]; ``` - three wheel ```javascript pickerData = { a: { a1: [1,2,3,4], a2: [5,6,7,8], a3: [9,10,11,12] }, b: { b1: [1,2,3,4], b2: [5,6,7,8], b3: [9,10,12,12] } ... }; selectedValue = ['a', 'a1', 1]; ```