Commit 018d260c authored by Greg Wilson's avatar Greg Wilson

update readme

parent f8f5b535
......@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ AppleHealthKit.getStepCount(options: Object, (err: Object, steps: Object) => {
#### ~~**`getStepCountForToday`**~~
`removed - replaced by getStepCount`
`removed` - replaced by `getStepCount`
get the aggregated total steps for the current day starting and ending at midnight
......@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ AppleHealthKit.getStepCountForToday(null, (err: Object, steps: number) => {
#### ~~**`getStepCountForDay`**~~
`removed - replaced by getStepCount`
`removed` - replaced by `getStepCount`
get the the aggregated total steps for the day provided as `date` in options object. the `date` field expects an ISO date string as its value
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