Commit fc0aa615 authored by Greg Wilson's avatar Greg Wilson

update readme

parent c04fa902
......@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ A React Native bridge module for interacting with [Apple HealthKit] data.
* [initHealthKit](#inithealthkit)
* [getBiologicalSex](#getbiologicalsex)
* [getDateOfBirth](#getdateofbirth)
* [getStepCount](#getstepcount)
* ~~[getStepCountForToday](#getstepcountfortoday)~~
* ~~[getStepCountForDay](#getstepcountforday)~~
* [getStepCount]
* [getMultiDayStepCounts](#getmultidaystepcounts)
* [getDistanceWalkingRunning](#getdistancewalkingrunning)
* [getDistanceCycling](#getdistancecycling)
......@@ -241,6 +241,28 @@ AppleHealthKit.getDateOfBirth(null, (err: Object, dob: string) => {
#### ~~**`getStepCount`**~~
get the aggregated total steps for a specific day (starting and ending at midnight).
an optional options object may be provided containing `date` field representing the selected day. If `date` is not set or an options object is not provided then the current day will be used.
let d = new Date(2016,5,27);
let options = {
date: d.toISOString()
AppleHealthKit.getStepCount(options: Object, (err: Object, steps: Object) => {
if(this._handleHealthKitError(err, 'getStepCount')){
// steps.value is the step count for day 'd'
#### ~~**`getStepCountForToday`**~~
`removed - replaced by getStepCount`
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