- Receiving notifications in any App state (foreground, background, "dead")
- Built-in notification drawer management
- High degree of code extensibility to allow for advanced custom layouts and specific notifications behavior as available by [Android's API](https://developer.android.com/training/notify-user/build-notification.html)
- Android equivalent of React-Native's implementation of [`PushNotificationsIOS.getInitialNotification()`](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/pushnotificationios.html#getinitialnotification).
>Upcoming: local notifications, background-state Rx queue (iOS equivalent)
## Installation
@@ -63,27 +68,29 @@ And the following methods to support registration and receiving notifications:
> Note: Explicit installation on Android is only required if you're planning on **receiving push notifications**. It is **not** needed if you're only going to use 'local' notifications.
> Installation on Android is necessary in case you wish to receive push notifications on your React-Native app.
Push notifications on Android are managed and dispatched using [Google's GCM service](https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/gcm)(now integrated into Firebase). The following installation steps are a TL;DR of [Google's GCM setup guide](https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/android/client). You can follow them to get GCM integrated quickly, but we recommend you in the very least have a peek at the guide's overview.
Push notifications on Android are managed and dispatched using [Google's GCM service](https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/gcm)(now integrated into Firebase). The following installation steps are a TL;DR of [Google's GCM setup guide](https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/android/client). You can follow them to get GCM integrated quickly, but we recommend that you will in the very least have a peek at the guide's overview.
#### Step #1: Subscribe to Google's GCM
To set GCM in your app, you must first create a Google Firebase API-project and obtain a **Sender ID** and a **Server API Key**. If you have no existing API projects yet, the easiest way to go about is to create a project and get these attributes using [this step-by-step installation process](https://developers.google.com/mobile/add); Use [this tutorial](https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-get-started-with-push-notifications-on-android--cms-25870) for insturctions.
To set GCM in your app, you must first create a Google API-project and obtain a **Sender ID** and a **Server API Key**. If you have no existing API projects yet, the easiest way to go about in creating one is using [this step-by-step installation process](https://developers.google.com/mobile/add); Use [this tutorial](https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-get-started-with-push-notifications-on-android--cms-25870) for insturctions.
console.log("Notification opened by device user",notification);
@@ -163,7 +189,7 @@ componentWillUnmount() {
### Notification Object
#### Notification Object
When you receive a push notification, you'll get an instance of `IOSNotification` object, contains the following methods:
-**`getMessage()`**- returns the notification's main message string.
@@ -173,17 +199,60 @@ When you receive a push notification, you'll get an instance of `IOSNotification
-**`getData()`**- returns the data payload (additional info) of the notification.
-**`getType()`**- returns `managed` for managed notifications, otherwise returns `regular`.
### Background Queue (Important!)
#### Background Queue (Important!)
When a push notification is opened but the app is not running, the application will be in a **cold launch** state, until the JS engine is up and ready to handle the notification.
The application will collect the events (notifications, actions, etc.) that happend during the cold launch for you.
When your app is ready (most of the time it's after the call to `requestPermissions()`), just call to `NotificationsIOS.consumeBackgroundQueue();` in order to consume the background queue. For more info see `index.ios.js` in the example app.
console.log("Notification opened by device user",notification.getData());
#### Notification Object
-**`getData()`**- content of the `data` section of the original message (sent to GCM).
-**`getTitle()`**- Convenience for returning `data.title`.
-**`getMessage()`**- Convenience for returning `data.body`.
## Querying initial notification
React-Native's [`PushNotificationsIOS.getInitialNotification()`](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/pushnotificationios.html#getinitialnotification) allows for the async retrieval of the original notification used to open the App on iOS, but it has no equivalent implementation for Android.
We provide a similar implementation on Android using `PendingNotifications.getInitialNotification()` which returns a promise: