@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ let localNotification = NotificationsIOS.localNotification({
Notification object contains:
-**`fireDate`**- The date and time when the system should deliver the notification (optinal - default is immidiate dispatch).
-`alertBody`- The message displayed in the notification alert.
-`alertTitle`- The title of the notification, displayed in the notifications center.
-`body`- The message displayed in the notification alert.
-`title`- The title of the notification, displayed in the notifications center.
-`alertAction`- The "action" displayed beneath an actionable notification on the lockscreen (e.g. "Slide to **open**"). Note that Apple no longer shows this in iOS 10.
-`soundName`- The sound played when the notification is fired (optional -- will play default sound if unspecified). This must be the filename of a sound included in the application bundle; the sound must be 30 seconds or less and should be encoded with linear PCM or IMA4.
-`sound`- The sound played when the notification is fired (optional -- will play default sound if unspecified). This must be the filename of a sound included in the application bundle; the sound must be 30 seconds or less and should be encoded with linear PCM or IMA4.
-`silent`- Whether the notification sound should be suppressed (optional).
-`category`- The category of this notification, required for [interactive notifications](#interactive--actionable-notifications-ios-only)(optional).
-`userInfo`- An optional object containing additional notification data.
@@ -56,7 +49,6 @@ export default class NotificationsIOS {
* - `remoteNotificationsRegistered` : Fired when the user registers for remote notifications. The handler will be invoked with a hex string representing the deviceToken.
* - `notificationReceivedForeground` : Fired when a notification (local / remote) is received when app is on foreground state.
* - `notificationReceivedBackground`: Fired when a background notification is received.
* - `notificationOpened`: Fired when a notification (local / remote) is opened.