RNThread.rd.xml 1.5 KB
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    This file contains Runtime Directives, specifications about types your application accesses
    through reflection and other dynamic code patterns. Runtime Directives are used to control the
    .NET Native optimizer and ensure that it does not remove code accessed by your library. If your
    library does not do any reflection, then you generally do not need to edit this file. However,
    if your library reflects over types, especially types passed to it or derived from its types,
    then you should write Runtime Directives.
    The most common use of reflection in libraries is to discover information about types passed
    to the library. Runtime Directives have three ways to express requirements on types passed to
    your library.
    1.  Parameter, GenericParameter, TypeParameter, TypeEnumerableParameter
        Use these directives to reflect over types passed as a parameter.
    2.  SubTypes
        Use a SubTypes directive to reflect over types derived from another type.
    3.  AttributeImplies
        Use an AttributeImplies directive to indicate that your library needs to reflect over
        types or methods decorated with an attribute.
    For more information on writing Runtime Directives for libraries, please visit
<Directives xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/netfx/2013/01/metadata">
  <Library Name="RNThread">

  	<!-- add directives for your library here -->
