config.xml 3.72 KB
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1. Delete worksapce&#xd;
2. Copy all of the files from daily build&#xd;
3. Run dependency-check then create the report&#xd;
4. Print report</description>
    <com.dabsquared.gitlabjenkins.connection.GitLabConnectionProperty plugin="gitlab-plugin@1.5.9">
      <strategy class="hudson.tasks.LogRotator">
  <scm class="hudson.scm.NullSCM"/>
  <assignedNode>&quot;OWASP ZAP Server&quot;</assignedNode>
    <hudson.plugins.copyartifact.CopyArtifact plugin="copyartifact@1.41">
      <selector class="hudson.plugins.copyartifact.WorkspaceSelector"/>
      <command>C:\dependency-check\bin\dependency-check.bat --project %JOB_NAME% -s %WORKSPACE% -f ALL</command>
    <org.jenkinsci.plugins.DependencyCheck.DependencyCheckPublisher plugin="dependency-check-jenkins-plugin@3.3.1">
      <pluginName>[DependencyCheck] </pluginName>
      <thresholds plugin="analysis-core@1.95">
    <hudson.plugins.ws__cleanup.PreBuildCleanup plugin="ws-cleanup@0.34">