Commit 275a3849 authored by YM-RD-AP01\ymadmin's avatar YM-RD-AP01\ymadmin

20140144: Job [HRB_Mobile_Other_ipa] configuration updated

Change performed by ·¨¼y°ó
parent 07258751
......@@ -2,7 +2,11 @@
<description>用來建置feature branch或是其他Branch使用&#xd;
只打包 ipa, 不做Code Push</description>
只打包 ipa, 不做Code Push&#xd;
echo &quot;source &apos;;&quot; &gt; Gemfile&#xd;
echo &quot;gem &apos;cocoapods&apos;, &apos;1.4.0&apos;&quot; &gt;&gt; Gemfile&#xd;
echo &quot;gem &apos;fastlane&apos;, &apos;2.107.0&apos;&quot; &gt;&gt; Gemfile</description>
<com.dabsquared.gitlabjenkins.connection.GitLabConnectionProperty plugin="gitlab-plugin@1.5.10">
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