Commit 7505e183 authored by YM-RD-AP01\ymadmin's avatar YM-RD-AP01\ymadmin

scott: Job [Deploy_HRB_API_Prod] configuration updated

Change performed by ·¨¼y°ó
parent e593124e
......@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
<maven2-moduleset plugin="maven-plugin@3.4">
<description>1. 透過MobaXterm到正式環境去發佈&#xd;
2. Jenkis打包完會放到;
2. Jenkis打包完會放到;
3. 透過MobaXterm進入到正式環境10.36.220.162&#xd;
4. Command : cd /opt/HRB&#xd;
5. Command : /opt/HRB/</description>
4. Command : cd /opt/HRB_API&#xd;
5. Command : /opt/HRB_API/</description>
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ hotfix/1.15.1GA</description>
......@@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ sed -i &quot;s/&lt;base.*/&lt;base href=\&quot;\/\&quot; version=\&quot;%tags%_%
<command>ssh -i F:/jenkins/id_rsa ymadmin@ &quot;rm -f /opt/HRB/;&#xd;
scp -i F:/jenkins/id_rsa target/ ymadmin@;
<command>ssh -i F:/jenkins/id_rsa ymadmin@ &quot;rm -f /opt/HRB_API/;&#xd;
scp -i F:/jenkins/id_rsa target/ ymadmin@;
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