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#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

 *  @memberof FIRInstanceID
 *  The scope to be used when fetching/deleting a token for Firebase Messaging.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * __nonnull const kFIRInstanceIDScopeFirebaseMessaging;

 *  Called when the system determines that tokens need to be refreshed.
 *  This method is also called if Instance ID has been reset in which
 *  case, tokens and FCM topic subscriptions also need to be refreshed.
 *  Instance ID service will throttle the refresh event across all devices
 *  to control the rate of token updates on application servers.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * __nonnull const kFIRInstanceIDTokenRefreshNotification;

 *  @related FIRInstanceID
 *  The completion handler invoked when the InstanceID token returns. If
 *  the call fails we return the appropriate `error code` as described below.
 *  @param token The valid token as returned by InstanceID backend.
 *  @param error The error describing why generating a new token
 *               failed. See the error codes below for a more detailed
 *               description.
typedef void(^FIRInstanceIDTokenHandler)( NSString * __nullable token, NSError * __nullable error);

 *  @related FIRInstanceID
 *  The completion handler invoked when the InstanceID `deleteToken` returns. If
 *  the call fails we return the appropriate `error code` as described below
 *  @param error The error describing why deleting the token failed.
 *               See the error codes below for a more detailed description.
typedef void(^FIRInstanceIDDeleteTokenHandler)(NSError * __nullable error);

 *  @related FIRInstanceID
 *  The completion handler invoked when the app identity is created. If the
 *  identity wasn't created for some reason we return the appropriate error code.
 *  @param identity A valid identity for the app instance, nil if there was an error
 *                  while creating an identity.
 *  @param error    The error if fetching the identity fails else nil.
typedef void(^FIRInstanceIDHandler)(NSString * __nullable identity, NSError * __nullable error);

 *  @related FIRInstanceID
 *  The completion handler invoked when the app identity and all the tokens associated
 *  with it are deleted. Returns a valid error object in case of failure else nil.
 *  @param error The error if deleting the identity and all the tokens associated with
 *               it fails else nil.
typedef void(^FIRInstanceIDDeleteHandler)(NSError * __nullable error);

 * @enum FIRInstanceIDError
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FIRInstanceIDError) {
  // Http related errors.

  /// Unknown error.
  FIRInstanceIDErrorUnknown = 0,

  /// Auth Error -- GCM couldn't validate request from this client.
  FIRInstanceIDErrorAuthentication = 1,

  /// NoAccess -- InstanceID service cannot be accessed.
  FIRInstanceIDErrorNoAccess = 2,

  /// Timeout -- Request to InstanceID backend timed out.
  FIRInstanceIDErrorTimeout = 3,

  /// Network -- No network available to reach the servers.
  FIRInstanceIDErrorNetwork = 4,

  /// OperationInProgress -- Another similar operation in progress,
  /// bailing this one.
  FIRInstanceIDErrorOperationInProgress = 5,

  /// InvalidRequest -- Some parameters of the request were invalid.
  FIRInstanceIDErrorInvalidRequest = 7,

 *  The APNS token type for the app. If the token type is set to `UNKNOWN`
 *  InstanceID will implicitly try to figure out what the actual token type
 *  is from the provisioning profile.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FIRInstanceIDAPNSTokenType) {
  /// Unknown token type.
  /// Sandbox token type.
  /// Production token type.

 *  Instance ID provides a unique identifier for each app instance and a mechanism
 *  to authenticate and authorize actions (for example, sending a GCM message).
 *  Instance ID is long lived but, may be reset if the device is not used for
 *  a long time or the Instance ID service detects a problem.
 *  If Instance ID is reset, the app will be notified with a `com.firebase.iid.token-refresh`
 *  notification.
 *  If the Instance ID has become invalid, the app can request a new one and
 *  send it to the app server.
 *  To prove ownership of Instance ID and to allow servers to access data or
 *  services associated with the app, call
 *  `[FIRInstanceID tokenWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:options:handler]`.
@interface FIRInstanceID : NSObject

 *  FIRInstanceID.
 *  @return A shared instance of FIRInstanceID.
+ (nonnull instancetype)instanceID NS_SWIFT_NAME(instanceID());

 *  Unavailable. Use +instanceID instead.
- (nonnull instancetype)init __attribute__((unavailable("Use +instanceID instead.")));

 *  Set APNS token for the application. This APNS token will be used to register
 *  with Firebase Messaging using `token` or
 *  `tokenWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:options:handler`. If the token type is set to
 *  `FIRInstanceIDAPNSTokenTypeUnknown` InstanceID will read the provisioning profile
 *  to find out the token type.
 *  @param token The APNS token for the application.
 *  @param type  The APNS token type for the above token.
- (void)setAPNSToken:(nonnull NSData *)token

#pragma mark - Tokens

 *  Returns a Firebase Messaging scoped token for the firebase app.
 *  @return Null Returns null if the device has not yet been registerd with
 *          Firebase Message else returns a valid token.
- (nullable NSString *)token;

 *  Returns a token that authorizes an Entity (example: cloud service) to perform
 *  an action on behalf of the application identified by Instance ID.
 *  This is similar to an OAuth2 token except, it applies to the
 *  application instance instead of a user.
 *  This is an asynchronous call. If the token fetching fails for some reason
 *  we invoke the completion callback with nil `token` and the appropriate
 *  error.
 *  Note, you can only have one `token` or `deleteToken` call for a given
 *  authorizedEntity and scope at any point of time. Making another such call with the
 *  same authorizedEntity and scope before the last one finishes will result in an
 *  error with code `OperationInProgress`.
 *  @see FIRInstanceID deleteTokenWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:handler:
 *  @param authorizedEntity Entity authorized by the token.
 *  @param scope            Action authorized for authorizedEntity.
 *  @param options          The extra options to be sent with your token request. The
 *                          value for the `apns_token` should be the NSData object
 *                          passed to UIApplication's
 *                          `didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken` method.
 *                          All other keys and values in the options dict need to be
 *                          instances of NSString or else they will be discarded. Bundle
 *                          keys starting with 'GCM.' and 'GOOGLE.' are reserved.
 *  @param handler          The callback handler which is invoked when the token is
 *                          successfully fetched. In case of success a valid `token` and
 *                          `nil` error are returned. In case of any error the `token`
 *                          is nil and a valid `error` is returned. The valid error
 *                          codes have been documented above.
- (void)tokenWithAuthorizedEntity:(nonnull NSString *)authorizedEntity
                            scope:(nonnull NSString *)scope
                          options:(nullable NSDictionary *)options
                          handler:(nonnull FIRInstanceIDTokenHandler)handler;

 *  Revokes access to a scope (action) for an entity previously
 *  authorized by `[FIRInstanceID tokenWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:options:handler]`.
 *  This is an asynchronous call. Call this on the main thread since InstanceID lib
 *  is not thread safe. In case token deletion fails for some reason we invoke the
 *  `handler` callback passed in with the appropriate error code.
 *  Note, you can only have one `token` or `deleteToken` call for a given
 *  authorizedEntity and scope at a point of time. Making another such call with the
 *  same authorizedEntity and scope before the last one finishes will result in an error
 *  with code `OperationInProgress`.
 *  @param authorizedEntity Entity that must no longer have access.
 *  @param scope            Action that entity is no longer authorized to perform.
 *  @param handler          The handler that is invoked once the unsubscribe call ends.
 *                          In case of error an appropriate error object is returned
 *                          else error is nil.
- (void)deleteTokenWithAuthorizedEntity:(nonnull NSString *)authorizedEntity
                                  scope:(nonnull NSString *)scope
                                handler:(nonnull FIRInstanceIDDeleteTokenHandler)handler;

#pragma mark - Identity

 *  Asynchronously fetch a stable identifier that uniquely identifies the app
 *  instance. If the identifier has been revoked or has expired, this method will
 *  return a new identifier.
 *  @param handler The handler to invoke once the identifier has been fetched.
 *                 In case of error an appropriate error object is returned else
 *                 a valid identifier is returned and a valid identifier for the
 *                 application instance.
- (void)getIDWithHandler:(nonnull FIRInstanceIDHandler)handler;

 *  Resets Instance ID and revokes all tokens.
- (void)deleteIDWithHandler:(nonnull FIRInstanceIDDeleteHandler)handler;
