@@ -361,6 +364,18 @@ You can either wait for FCM to develop it or you have to write native code to cr
Or if you have a good way to wake up react native javascript thread please let me know, although I'm worring waking up the whole application is too expensive.
#### What about new notifications in iOS 10
Congratulations, now you have 5 notification handler to register!
in sum
-`willPresentNotification` is introduced in iOS 10 and will only be called when local/remote notification will show up. This allows you to run some code **before** notification shows up. You can also decide how to show the notification.
-`didReceiveNotificationResponse` is introduced in iOS 10 and provides user's response together with local/remote notification. It could be swipe, text input etc.
-`didReceiveLocalNotification` is for iOS 9 and below. Triggered when user clicks local notification. replaced by `didReceiveNotificationResponse`
-`didReceiveRemoteNotification` is for iOS 9 and below. Triggered when remote notification received.
-`didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler` is for both iOS 9 and 10. it gets triggered 2 times for each remote notification. 1st time when notification is received. 2nd time when notification is clicked. in iOS 9, it serves us the purpose of both `willPresentNotification` and `didReceiveNotificationResponse` but for remote notification only. in iOS 10, you don't need it in most of the case unless you need to do background fetching
Great, how do I configure for FCM?
It is up to you! FCM is just a bridging library that passes notification into javascript world. You can define your own NSDictionary and pass it into notification.
#### Some features are missing
Issues and pull requests are welcome. Let's make this thing better!