Commit 6fc34ed3 authored by William Candillon's avatar William Candillon Committed by Libin Lu

Add typescript definition file (#376)

* Add typescript definition file

* Update index.d.ts
parent 7c7fa790
declare module "react-native-fcm" {
type FCMEventType = "FCMTokenRefreshed" | "FCMNotificationReceived";
export module FCMEvent {
const RefreshToken = "FCMTokenRefreshed";
const Notification = "FCMNotificationReceived";
export module RemoteNotificationResult {
const NewData = "UIBackgroundFetchResultNewData";
const NoData = "UIBackgroundFetchResultNoData";
const ResultFailed = "UIBackgroundFetchResultFailed";
export module WillPresentNotificationResult {
const All = "UNNotificationPresentationOptionAll";
const None = "UNNotificationPresentationOptionNone";
export module NotificationType {
const Remote = "remote_notification";
const NotificationResponse = "notification_response";
const WillPresent = "will_present_notification";
const Local = "local_notification";
export interface Subscription {
remove(): void;
export class FCM {
static requestPermissions(): void;
static getFCMToken(): Promise<string>;
static on(event: "FCMTokenRefreshed", handler: (token: string) => void): Subscription;
static on(event: "FCMNotificationReceived", handler: (notification: any) => void): Subscription;
static subscribeToTopic(topic: string): void;
static unsubscribeFromTopic(topic: string): void;
static getInitialNotification(): Promise<any>;
static presentLocalNotification(notification: any): void;
static scheduleLocalNotification(schedule: any): void;
static getScheduledLocalNotifications(): Promise<any>;
static removeAllDeliveredNotifications(): void;
static removeDeliveredNotification(id: string): void;
static cancelAllLocalNotifications(): void;
static cancelLocalNotification(id: string): string;
static setBadgeNumber(badge: number): void;
static getBadgeNumber(): Promise<number>;
static send(id: string, data: any): void;
export default FCM;
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