Commit 9b18933b authored by Ethan Milano's avatar Ethan Milano Committed by Libin Lu

fixed documentation (#239)

parent 067d58f4
......@@ -214,7 +214,12 @@ Edit `AppDelegate.m`:
+ completionHandler(UIBackgroundFetchResultNoData);
+ }
### Xcode post installation steps
- Select your project **Capabilities** and enable **Keychan Sharing** and *Background Modes* > **Remote notifications**.
- In Xcode menu bar, select *Product* > *Scheme* > **Manage schemes**. Select your project name Scheme then click on the minus sign **―** in the bottom left corner, then click on the plus sign **+** and rebuild your project scheme.
### FCM config file
In [firebase console](, you can get `google-services.json` file and place it in `android/app` directory and get `GoogleService-Info.plist` file and place it in `/ios/your-project-name` directory (next to your `Info.plist`)
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