@@ -160,8 +160,15 @@ In [firebase console](https://console.firebase.google.com/), you can get `google
@@ -160,8 +160,15 @@ In [firebase console](https://console.firebase.google.com/), you can get `google
-`FCM.initialAction`(contains `click_action` in notification payload
-`FCM.initialAction`(contains `click_action` in notification payload
-`FCM.initialData` (contains `data` payload if you send together with notification)
-`FCM.initialData` (contains `data` payload if you send together with notification)
- When app is running in background
- When app is running in background (the tricky one, I strongly suggest you try it out yourself)
- App will receive notificaton from `FCMNotificationReceived` event when user click on notification.
- IOS will receive notificaton from `FCMNotificationReceived` event
* if you pass `content_available` flag true, you will receive one when app is in background and another one when user resume the app. [more info](http://www.rahuljiresal.com/2015/03/retract-push-notifications-on-ios/)
* if you just pass `notification`, you will only receive one when user resume the app.
* you will not see banner if `notification->body` is not defined.
- Android will receive notificaton from `FCMNotificationReceived` event
* if you pass `notification` payload. it will receive data when user click on notification
* if you pass `data` payload only, it will receive data when in background