1. 11 Mar, 2018 1 commit
    • ksegla's avatar
      Decode utf-8 before presentation · 6998182a
      ksegla authored
      This is needed when the strings are encoded in utf8. The encoding is needed for special characters (as simple as é) and smileys. 
      In my use case, I only need title, body and big_text (not familiar with the new additions: action, etc.) but any string in the notification could need decoding. 
      String X = bundle.getString("X")
      X= URLDecoder.decode( X, "UTF-8" );
      Medium term, it could be nice to have a tag for encoding in the initial message that would trigger or not a decoding.
  2. 08 Mar, 2018 1 commit
  3. 07 Mar, 2018 10 commits
  4. 06 Mar, 2018 11 commits
  5. 05 Mar, 2018 4 commits
  6. 03 Mar, 2018 3 commits
  7. 02 Mar, 2018 4 commits
  8. 01 Mar, 2018 4 commits
  9. 28 Feb, 2018 2 commits