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# react-native-apple-healthkit
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2 3
A React Native bridge module for interacting with [Apple HealthKit] data. 

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![Alt text]( "Apple HealthKit")
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#### Notice
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7 8
> *This package is undergoing rapid development and should be considered unstable for the time being.*
> *<strong>Use at your own risk</strong>*
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## Table of Contents
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  * [Getting Started](#getting-started)
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    * [Installation](#installation)
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13 14 15
    * [Usage](#usage)
  * [Documentation](#documentation)
    * [Permissions](#permissions)
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16 17
      * [Read](#read-permissions)
      * [Write](#write-permissions)
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    * [Methods](#methods)
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      * [isAvailable](#isavailable)
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      * [initHealthKit](#inithealthkit)
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21 22
      * [getBiologicalSex](#getbiologicalsex)
      * [getDateOfBirth](#getdateofbirth)
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      * [getStepCountForToday](#getstepcountfortoday)
      * [getStepCountForDay](#getstepcountforday)
      * [getMultiDayStepCounts](#getmultidaystepcounts)
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26 27 28
      * [getDistanceWalkingRunning](#getdistancewalkingrunning)
      * [getDistanceCycling](#getdistancecycling)
      * [getFlightsClimbed](#getflightsclimbed)
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      * [getLatestWeight](#getlatestweight)
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      * [getWeightSamples](#getweightsamples)
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31 32
      * [saveWeight](#saveweight)
      * [getLatestHeight](#getlatestheight)
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      * [getHeightSamples](#getheightsamples)
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34 35 36 37 38
      * [saveHeight](#saveheight)
      * [getLatestBmi](#getlatestbmi)
      * [saveBmi](#savebmi)
      * [getLatestBodyFatPercentage](#getlatestbodyfatpercentage)
      * [getLatestLeanBodyMass](#getlatestleanbodymass)
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39 40
  * [Examples](#examples)
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42 43
## Getting started

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44 45
###  Installation

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Install the [react-native-apple-healthkit] package from npm:
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47 48 49

`npm install react-native-apple-healthkit --save`

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##### Xcode
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52 53 54 55
1. In XCode, in the project navigator, right click `Libraries``Add Files to [your project's name]`
2. Go to `node_modules``react-native-apple-healthkit` and add `RCTAppleHealthKit.xcodeproj`
3. In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add `libRCTAppleHealthKit.a` to your project's `Build Phases``Link Binary With Libraries`
4. Click `RCTAppleHealthKit.xcodeproj` in the project navigator and go the `Build Settings` tab. Make sure 'All' is toggled on (instead of 'Basic'). In the `Search Paths` section, look for `Header Search Paths` and make sure it contains both `$(SRCROOT)/../../react-native/React` and `$(SRCROOT)/../../../React` - mark both as `recursive`.
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56 57
5. Enable HealthKit in your application's `Capabilities`
![Alt text](/examples/images/Capabilities_HealthKit.png "Xcode Capabilities Section")
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6. Compile and run
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### Usage
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63 64 65
Just `require` the `react-native-apple-healthkit` module and you're ready to go!
var AppleHealthKit = require('react-native-apple-healthkit');
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67 68

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let options = {
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70 71
    permissions: {
        read: ["Height", "Weight", "Steps", "DateOfBirth", "BodyMassIndex"],
Greg Wilson's avatar
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        write: ["Weight", "Steps", "BodyMassIndex"]
Greg Wilson's avatar
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73 74 75

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AppleHealthKit.initHealthKit(options: Object, (err: Object, res: Object) => {
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77 78 79 80
    if(err) {
        console.log("error initializing healthkit: ", err);
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    // healthkit initialized...
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82 83 84 85 86


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87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94
When the module has been successfully initialized you can read and write HealthKit data

var AppleHealthKit = require('react-native-apple-healthkit');
var _ = require('lodash');


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AppleHealthKit.getLatestWeight(null, (err: Object, weight: number) => {
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96 97 98 99
        console.log("error getting current weight: ", err);
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    // use weight ...
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101 102 103 104


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105 106
let options = {value: 200};
AppleHealthKit.saveWeight(options: Object, (err: Object, res: Object) => {
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107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115
        console.log("error saving weight to healthkit: ", err);
    // weight successfully saved

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116 117

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118 119 120

## Documentation

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121 122
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123 124 125

The available HealthKit permissions to use with `initHealthKit` 

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##### Read Permissions
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| Permission        | HealthKit Identifier Type                     |
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| Height            | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierHeight                |
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131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139
| Weight            | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyMass              |
| BodyFatPercentage | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyFatPercentage     |
| BodyMassIndex     | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyMassIndex         |
| LeanBodyMass      | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierLeanBodyMass          |
| Steps             | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierStepCount             |
| BiologicalSex     | HKCharacteristicTypeIdentifierBiologicalSex   |
| DateOfBirth       | HKCharacteristicTypeIdentifierDateOfBirth     |
| DietaryEnergy     | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryEnergyConsumed |
| ActiveEnergy      | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierActiveEnergyBurned    |
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##### Write Permissions
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143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152
| Permission        | HealthKit Identifier Type                     |
| Height            | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierHeight                |
| Weight            | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyMass              |
| BodyFatPercentage | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyFatPercentage     |
| BodyMassIndex     | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyMassIndex         |
| LeanBodyMass      | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierLeanBodyMass          |
| Steps             | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierStepCount             |
| DietaryEnergy     | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryEnergyConsumed |
| ActiveEnergy      | HKQuantityTypeIdentifierActiveEnergyBurned    |
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155 156
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157 158

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159 160
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162 163
#### **`isAvailable`** 
check if HealthKit is available on the device
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AppleHealthKit.isAvailable((err: Object, available: boolean) => {
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166 167 168 169 170
        // ...
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#### **`initHealthKit`** 
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initialize HealthKit. this will show the HealthKit permissions prompt for any read/write permissions set in the required `options` object. 
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due to Apple's privacy model if an app user has previously denied a specific permission then they can not be prompted again for that same permission. the app user would have to go into the Apple Health app and grant the permission to your react-native app under *sources* tab. 
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177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184

for any data that is read from HealthKit the status/error is the same for both. this privacy restriction results in having no knowledge of whether the permission was denied (make sure it's added to the permissions options object), or the data for the specific request was nil (ex. no steps recorded today)

for any data written to HealthKit an authorization error can be caught. if an authorization error occurs you can prompt the user to set the specific permission or add the permission to the options object if not present

if new read/write permissions are added to the options object then the app user will see the HealthKit permissions prompt with the new permissions to allow

`initHealthKit` requires an options object with HealthKit permission settings
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let options = {
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    permissions: {
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        read: ["Height", "Weight", "Steps", "DateOfBirth", "BodyMassIndex"],
Greg Wilson's avatar
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        write: ["Weight", "Steps", "BodyMassIndex"]
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190 191
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AppleHealthKit.initHealthKit(options: Object, (err: string, res: Object) => {
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196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204
    if(err) {
        console.log("error initializing healthkit: ", err);
    // healthkit is initialized...
    // now safe to read and write healthkit data...

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205 206

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207 208
#### **`getBiologicalSex`**
get the biological sex (gender). if the `BiologicalSex` read permission is missing or the user has denied it then the value will be `unknown`. the possible values are:
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210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235
| Value   | HKBiologicalSex       |
| unknown | HKBiologicalSexNotSet |
| male    | HKBiologicalSexMale   |
| female  | HKBiologicalSexFemale |
| other   | HKBiologicalSexOther  |

AppleHealthKit.getBiologicalSex(null, (err: Object, bioSex: string) => {
    if(this._handleHealthKitError(err, 'getBiologicalSex')){
    // use bioSex ...


#### **`getDateOfBirth`**
get the date of birth. this will be an ISO timestamp

AppleHealthKit.getDateOfBirth(null, (err: Object, dob: string) => {
    if(this._handleHealthKitError(err, 'getDateOfBirth')){
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    // use dob ... (ex: '1986-09-01T12:20:30-04:00')
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237 238 239 240 241


#### **`getStepCountForToday`**
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get the aggregated total steps for the current day starting and ending at midnight
244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254
AppleHealthKit.getStepCountForToday(null, (err: Object, steps: number) => {
    if(this._handleHealthKitError(err, 'getStepCountForToday')){
    // use steps...


#### **`getStepCountForDay`**
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get the the aggregated total steps for the day provided as `date` in options object. the `date` field expects an ISO date string as its value
257 258 259 260 261
let d = new Date(2016,5,27);
let options = {
    date: d.toISOString()
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AppleHealthKit.getStepCountForDay(options: Object, (err: Object, steps: number) => {
263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271
    if(this._handleHealthKitError(err, 'getStepCountForDay')){
    // steps is the step count for day 'd'


272 273 274
#### **`getMultiDayStepCounts`**
get the total steps per day over a specified date range. 

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`getMultiDayStepCounts` accepts an options object containing required *`startDate: ISO8601Timestamp`* and optional *`endDate: ISO8601Timestamp`*. if `endDate` is not provided it will default to the current time
276 277 278 279 280 281
let options = {
    startDate: (new Date(2016,5,1)).toISOString()  // required
    endDate:   (new Date()).toISOString()          // optional; default now
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the function will be called with an array of elements `res` containing date and step count information
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 AppleHealthKit.getMultiDayStepCounts(options: Object, (err: Object, res: Array<Array<string|number>>) => {
285 286 287 288
    if(this._handleHealthKitError(err, 'getMultiDayStepCounts')){
    // 'res' is array of [ISOTimestamp: string, stepCount: number] arrays
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    // sorted ascending from startDate through endDate
290 291 292
    for(let i=0; i<res.length; ++i){
        let elem = res[i];
        // elem[0] is ISOTimestamp : string
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        // elem[1] is step count   : number
294 295 296 297 298 299


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300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364
#### **`getDistanceWalkingRunning`**
get the total distance walking/running on a specific day. 

`getDistanceWalkingRunning` accepts an options object containing optional *`date: ISO8601Timestamp`* and *`unit: string`*. if `date` is not provided it will default to the current time. `unit` defaults to `meter`
let options = {
	unit: 'mile',									// optional; default 'meter'
    date: (new Date(2016,5,1)).toISOString(),  		// optional; default now

AppleHealthKit.getDistanceWalkingRunning(null, (err, distance) => {
    if(this._handleHKError(err, 'getDistanceWalkingRunning')){
	// use distance ...


#### **`getDistanceCycling`**
get the total distance cycling on a specific day. 

`getDistanceCycling` accepts an options object containing optional *`date: ISO8601Timestamp`* and *`unit: string`*. if `date` is not provided it will default to the current time. `unit` defaults to `meter`
let options = {
	unit: 'meter',									// optional; default 'meter'
    date: (new Date(2016,5,1)).toISOString(),  		// optional; default now

AppleHealthKit.getDistanceCycling(null, (err, distance) => {
    if(this._handleHKError(err, 'getDistanceCycling')){
	// use distance ...


#### **`getFlightsClimbed`**
get the total flights climbed (1 flight is ~10ft of elevation) on a specific day. 

`getFlightsClimbed` accepts an options object containing optional *`date: ISO8601Timestamp`*. if `date` is not provided it will default to the current time.
let options = {
    date: (new Date(2016,5,1)).toISOString(),  		// optional; default now

AppleHealthKit.getFlightsClimbed(null, (err, flights) => {
    if(this._handleHKError(err, 'getFlightsClimbed')){
	// use flights ...


#### **`getLatestWeight`**
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get the most recent weight value
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AppleHealthKit.getLatestWeight(null, (err: string, weight: number) => {
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        console.log("error getting latest weight: ", err);
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371 372
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    // use weight ...
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374 375 376

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377 378

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379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401
#### **`getWeightSamples`**
query for weight samples. the options object is used to setup a query to retrieve relevant samples.
let options = {
    unit: 'pound',										// optional; default 'pound'
    startDate: (new Date(2016,4,27)).toISOString(),		// required
	endDate: (new Date()).toISOString(),				// optional; default now
    ascending: false,									// optional; default false
    limit:10,											// optional; default no limit

AppleHealthKit.getWeightSamples(options, (err: Object, samples: Array<Object>) => {
	if(this._handleHealthKitError(err, 'getWeightSamples')){
	// use samples ...


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402 403
#### **`saveWeight`**
save a numeric weight value to HealthKit
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`saveWeight` accepts an options object containing a numeric weight value:
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let options = {value: 200}
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408 409
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AppleHealthKit.saveWeight(options: Object, (err: Object, res: Object) => {
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411 412 413 414 415 416 417
        console.log("error saving weight to healthkit: ", err);
    // weight successfully saved
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419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428

#### **`getLatestHeight`**
get the most recent height value
AppleHealthKit.getLatestHeight(null, (err: string, height: number) => {
        console.log("error getting latest height: ", err);
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    // use height ...
430 431
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432 433 434


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435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450
#### **`getHeightSamples`**
query for height samples. the options object is used to setup a query to retrieve relevant samples.
let options = {
    unit: 'inch',										// optional; default 'inch'
    startDate: (new Date(2016,4,27)).toISOString(),		// required
	endDate: (new Date()).toISOString(),				// optional; default now
    ascending: false,									// optional; default false
    limit:10,											// optional; default no limit

the callback function will be called with a `samples` array containing objects with *value*, *startDate*, and *endDate* fields
// samples is array of objects
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451 452
	{value: 74.02, startDate:'2016-06-29T17:55:00.000-0400', endDate:'2016-06-29T17:55:00.000-0400'},
	{value: 74, startDate:'2016-03-12T13:22:00.000-0400', endDate:'2016-03-12T13:22:00.000-0400'},
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453 454 455
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*example usage*
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457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467
AppleHealthKit.getHeightSamples(options, (err: Object, samples: Array<Object>) => {
	if(this._handleHealthKitError(err, 'getHeightSamples')){
	// use samples ...


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468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475
#### **`saveHeight`**
save a numeric height value to HealthKit

`saveHeight` accepts an options object containing a numeric height value:
let options = {value: 200}
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AppleHealthKit.saveHeight(options: Object, (err: Object, res: Object) => {
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477 478 479 480 481 482 483
    if(this._handleHealthKitError(err, 'saveHeight')){
    // height successfully saved

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484 485 486

#### **`getLatestBmi`**
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get the most recent BMI data. the handler function will be called with a `bmi` object containing *`value: number`*, *`startDate: ISO8601Timestamp`*, and *`endDate: ISO8601Timestamp`*. The BMI value may be very old so the sample dates are provided as well. *should apply this to all other RCT types* 
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488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501
AppleHealthKit.getLatestBmi(null, (err: string, bmi: Object) => {
        console.log("error getting latest bmi data: ", err);
    if(bmi && bmi.value){
        let d = bmi.startDate
        let val = bmi.value;
        // ...

502 503

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504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511
#### **`saveBmi`**
save a numeric BMI value to HealthKit

`saveBmi` accepts an options object containing a numeric BMI value:
let options = {value: 27.2}
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AppleHealthKit.saveBmi(options: Object, (err: Object, res: Object) => {
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513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521
    if(this._handleHealthKitError(err, 'saveBmi')){
    // BMI successfully saved


#### **`getLatestBodyFatPercentage`**
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get the most recent body fat percentage. the percentage value is a number between 0 and 100
524 525 526 527 528
AppleHealthKit.getLatestBodyFatPercentage(null, (err: Object, bodyFatPercentage: number) => {
    if(this._handleHealthKitError(err, 'getLatestBodyFatPercentage')){
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    // use bodyFatPercentage ...
530 531 532

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533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544

#### **`getLatestLeanBodyMass`**
get the most recent lean body mass. the value is a number representing the weight in pounds (lbs)
 AppleHealthKit.getLatestLeanBodyMass(null, (err: Object, leanBodyMass: number) => {
    if(this._handleHealthKitError(err, 'getLatestLeanBodyMass')){
    // use leanBodyMass ...
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546 547
## Examples

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548 549 550 551 552 553
#### StepsDemo

![alt text]( "Steps Demo App Screenshot")

#### BodyMeasurements

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![alt text]( "Body Measurements Demo App Screenshot")
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[Apple HealthKit]:
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