get the total steps per day over a specified date range.
`getDailyStepCountSamples` accepts an options object containing required *`startDate: ISO8601Timestamp`* and optional *`endDate: ISO8601Timestamp`*. if `endDate` is not provided it will default to the current time
// 'res' is array of {value: number, startDate: string, endDate: string} objects
// sorted ascending from startDate through endDate
// ...
#### ~~**`getMultiDayStepCounts`**~~
**removed** - replaced by `getDailyStepCountSamples`
get the total steps per day over a specified date range.
get the total steps per day over a specified date range.
`getMultiDayStepCounts` accepts an options object containing required *`startDate: ISO8601Timestamp`* and optional *`endDate: ISO8601Timestamp`*. if `endDate` is not provided it will default to the current time
`getMultiDayStepCounts` accepts an options object containing required *`startDate: ISO8601Timestamp`* and optional *`endDate: ISO8601Timestamp`*. if `endDate` is not provided it will default to the current time