Commit e16ae36e authored by Greg Wilson's avatar Greg Wilson

Merge branch 'master' of

parents 1029da31 6c51c118
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ A React Native bridge module for interacting with [Apple HealthKit] data.
* [getWeightSamples](#getweightsamples)
* [saveWeight](#saveweight)
* [getLatestHeight](#getlatestheight)
* [getHeightSamples](#getheightsamples)
* [getHeightSamples](#getheightsamples)
* [saveHeight](#saveheight)
* [getLatestBmi](#getlatestbmi)
* [saveBmi](#savebmi)
......@@ -380,12 +380,12 @@ the callback function will be called with a `samples` array containing objects w
// samples is array of objects
{value: 74.02, startDate: '2016-06-29T17:55:00.000-0400', endDate: '2016-06-29T17:55:00.000-0400' },
{value: 74, startDate: '2016-03-12T13:22:00.000-0400', endDate: '2016-03-12T13:22:00.000-0400' },
{value: 74.02, startDate:'2016-06-29T17:55:00.000-0400', endDate:'2016-06-29T17:55:00.000-0400'},
{value: 74, startDate:'2016-03-12T13:22:00.000-0400', endDate:'2016-03-12T13:22:00.000-0400'},
*example usage*
AppleHealthKit.getHeightSamples(options, (err: Object, samples: Array<Object>) => {
if(this._handleHealthKitError(err, 'getHeightSamples')){
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