Commit f1f79036 authored by Daniele Volpi's avatar Daniele Volpi

updated README

parent 3a856cfb
......@@ -38,6 +38,11 @@ A React Native bridge module for interacting with [Apple HealthKit] data.
* [saveBmi](#savebmi)
* [getLatestBodyFatPercentage](#getlatestbodyfatpercentage)
* [getLatestLeanBodyMass](#getlatestleanbodymass)
* [getHeartRateSamples](#getHeartRateSamples)
* [getBodyTemperatureSamples](#getBodyTemperatureSamples)
* [getBloodPressureSamples](#getBloodPressureSamples)
* [getRespiratoryRateSamples](#getRespiratoryRateSamples)
* [getBloodGlucoseSamples](#getBloodGlucoseSamples)
* [Examples](#examples)
......@@ -722,6 +727,148 @@ On success, the callback function will be provided with a `leanBodyMass` object
#### **`getHeartRateSamples`**
query for heart rate samples. the options object is used to setup a query to retrieve relevant samples.
let options = {
unit: 'bpm', // optional; default 'bpm'
startDate: (new Date(2016,4,27)).toISOString(), // required
endDate: (new Date()).toISOString(), // optional; default now
ascending: false, // optional; default false
limit:10, // optional; default no limit
the callback function will be called with a `samples` array containing objects with *value*, *startDate*, and *endDate* fields
*example usage*
AppleHealthKit.getHeartRateSamples(options, (err: Object, samples: Array<Object>) => {
if(this._handleHealthKitError(err, 'getHeartRateSamples')){
// use samples ...
#### **`getBodyTemperatureSamples`**
query for body temperature samples. the options object is used to setup a query to retrieve relevant samples.
let options = {
unit: 'celsius', // optional; default 'celsius'
startDate: (new Date(2016,4,27)).toISOString(), // required
endDate: (new Date()).toISOString(), // optional; default now
ascending: false, // optional; default false
limit:10, // optional; default no limit
available units are: `'fahrenheit'`, `'celsius'`.
the callback function will be called with a `samples` array containing objects with *value*, *startDate*, and *endDate* fields.
*example usage*
AppleHealthKit.getBodyTemperatureSamples(options, (err: Object, samples: Array<Object>) => {
if(this._handleHealthKitError(err, 'getBodyTemperatureSamples')){
// use samples ...
#### **`getBloodPressureSamples`**
query for blood pressure samples. the options object is used to setup a query to retrieve relevant samples.
let options = {
unit: 'mmhg', // optional; default 'mmhg'
startDate: (new Date(2016,4,27)).toISOString(), // required
endDate: (new Date()).toISOString(), // optional; default now
ascending: false, // optional; default false
limit:10, // optional; default no limit
the callback function will be called with a `samples` array containing objects with *bloodPressureSystolicValue*, *bloodPressureDiastolicValue*, *startDate*, and *endDate* fields
// samples is array of objects
{bloodPressureSystolicValue: 120, bloodPressureDiastolicValue: 81, startDate:'2016-06-29T17:55:00.000-0400', endDate:'2016-06-29T17:55:00.000-0400'},
{bloodPressureSystolicValue: 119, bloodPressureDiastolicValue: 77, startDate:'2016-03-12T13:22:00.000-0400', endDate:'2016-03-12T13:22:00.000-0400'},
*example usage*
AppleHealthKit.getBloodPressureSamples(options, (err: Object, samples: Array<Object>) => {
if(this._handleHealthKitError(err, 'getBloodPressureSamples')){
// use samples ...
#### **`getRespiratoryRateSamples`**
query for respiratory rate samples. the options object is used to setup a query to retrieve relevant samples.
let options = {
unit: 'bpm', // optional; default 'bpm'
startDate: (new Date(2016,4,27)).toISOString(), // required
endDate: (new Date()).toISOString(), // optional; default now
ascending: false, // optional; default false
limit:10, // optional; default no limit
the callback function will be called with a `samples` array containing objects with *value*, *startDate*, and *endDate* fields
*example usage*
AppleHealthKit.getRespiratoryRateSamples(options, (err: Object, samples: Array<Object>) => {
if(this._handleHealthKitError(err, 'getRespiratoryRateSamples')){
// use samples ...
#### **`getBloodGlucoseSamples`**
query for blood glucose samples. the options object is used to setup a query to retrieve relevant samples.
let options = {
unit: 'mmolPerL', // optional; default 'mmolPerL'
startDate: (new Date(2016,4,27)).toISOString(), // required
endDate: (new Date()).toISOString(), // optional; default now
ascending: false, // optional; default false
limit:10, // optional; default no limit
available units are: `'mmolPerL'`, `'mgPerdL'`.
the callback function will be called with a `samples` array containing objects with *value*, *startDate*, and *endDate* fields
*example usage*
AppleHealthKit.getBloodGlucoseSamples(options, (err: Object, samples: Array<Object>) => {
if(this._handleHealthKitError(err, 'getBloodGlucoseSamples')){
// use samples ...
## Examples
#### StepsDemo
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