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# React Native Notifications [![Build Status](](

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Handle all the aspects of push notifications for your app, including remote and local notifications, interactive notifications, silent notifications, and more.
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**All the native iOS notifications features are supported!** 
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## Supported Features
### iOS
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- [Remote notifications](#handling-received-notifications).
- [Local notifications](#triggering-local-notifications).
- [Background notifications](#managed-notifications-ios-only).
- [Managed notifications](#managed-notifications-ios-only) (notifications that can be cleared from the server, like Facebook messenger and Whatsapp web).
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- [PushKit API](#pushkit-api-ios-only) for VoIP and other background messages.
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- [Interactive notifications](#interactive--actionable-notifications-ios-only) that allows you to provide additional functionality to your users outside of your application.
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![Interactive notifications example](

### Android
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>**Please advise that Android support is a work in progress and is subject to breaking changes in the near future**

24 25
- Receiving notifications in any App state (foreground, background, "dead")
- Built-in notification drawer management
- High degree of code extensibility to allow for advanced custom layouts and any specific notifications behavior as available by [Android's API](
27 28
- Android equivalent of React-Native's implementation of [`PushNotificationsIOS.getInitialNotification()`](

_Upcoming: local notifications, background-state Rx queue (iOS equivalent)_
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## Installation
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$ npm install react-native-notifications --save

### iOS
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First, [Manually link]( the library to your Xcode project.
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Then, to enable notifications support add the following line at the top of your `AppDelegate.m`

#import "RNNotifications.h"

And the following methods to support registration and receiving notifications:

// Required to register for notifications
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterUserNotificationSettings:(UIUserNotificationSettings *)notificationSettings
  [RNNotifications didRegisterUserNotificationSettings:notificationSettings];

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken
  [RNNotifications didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:deviceToken];

61 62 63 64
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:(NSError *)error {
  [RNNotifications didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:error];

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// Required for the notification event.
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)notification {
  [RNNotifications didReceiveRemoteNotification:notification];

// Required for the localNotification event.
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notification
  [RNNotifications didReceiveLocalNotification:notification];

### Android
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Add a reference to the library's native code in your global `settings.gradle`:

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include ':reactnativenotifications'
project(':reactnativenotifications').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-notifications/android')
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Declare the library as a dependency in your **app-project's** `build.gradle`:

90 91
dependencies {
	// ...
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	compile project(':reactnativenotifications')
94 95 96

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Add the library to your ``:

import com.wix.reactnativenotifications.RNNotificationsPackage;


    protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
106 107 108 109 110
        return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
            new MainReactPackage(),
	        // ...
	        new RNNotificationsPackage(MainApplication.this)
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### Receiving push notifications

> This section is only necessary in case you wish to **receive** push notifications in your React-Native app.
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Push notifications on Android are managed and dispatched using [Google's GCM service]( (now integrated into Firebase). The following installation steps are a TL;DR of [Google's GCM setup guide]( You can follow them to get GCM integrated quickly, but we recommend that you will in the very least have a peek at the guide's overview.
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#### Step #1: Subscribe to Google's GCM
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To set GCM in your app, you must first create a Google API-project and obtain a **Sender ID** and a **Server API Key**. If you have no existing API project yet, the easiest way to go about in creating one is using [this step-by-step installation process](; Use [this tutorial]( for insturctions.
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Alternatively, follow [Google's complete guide](

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#### Step #2: Add Sender ID to Manifest File
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Once obtained, bundle the Sender ID onto your main `manifest.xml` file:

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		// Replace '1234567890' with your sender ID.
		// IMPORTANT: Leave the trailing \0 intact!!!
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	    <meta-data android:name="com.wix.reactnativenotifications.gcmSenderId" android:value="1234567890\0"/>


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## Register to Push Notifications
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### iOS

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In order to handle notifications, you must register before- handle `remoteNotificationsRegistered` event.

In your React Native app:

import NotificationsIOS from 'react-native-notifications';

class App extends Component {
	constructor() {
		NotificationsIOS.addEventListener('remoteNotificationsRegistered', this.onPushRegistered.bind(this));
		NotificationsIOS.addEventListener('remoteNotificationsRegistrationFailed', this.onPushRegistrationFaled.bind(this));
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	onPushRegistered(deviceToken) {
		console.log("Device Token Received", deviceToken);
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	onPushRegistrationFailed(error) {
		// For example:
		// error={
		//   domain: 'NSCocoaErroDomain',
		//   code: 3010,
		//   localizedDescription: 'remote notifications are not supported in the simulator'
		// }
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	componentWillUnmount() {
  		// prevent memory leaks!
  		NotificationsIOS.removeEventListener('remoteNotificationsRegistered', this.onPushRegistered.bind(this));
		NotificationsIOS.removeEventListener('remoteNotificationsRegistrationFailed', this.onPushRegistrationFailed.bind(this));
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When you have the device token, POST it to your server and register the device in your notifications provider (Amazon SNS, Azure, etc.).

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### Android

The React-Native code equivalent on Android is:

import {NotificationsAndroid} from 'react-native-notifications';

// On Android, we allow for only one (global) listener per each event type.
NotificationsAndroid.setRegistrationTokenUpdateListener((deviceToken) => {
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	console.log('Push-notifications registered!', deviceToken)
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`deviceToken` being the token used to identify the device on the GCM.

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## Handling Received Notifications
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### iOS

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When you receive a notification, the application can be in one of the following states:

1. **Forground**- When the app in running and is used by the user right now. in this case, `notificationReceivedForeground` event will be fired.
2. **Background**- When the app is running but in background state. in this case, `notificationReceivedBackground` event will be fired.
3. **Notification Opened**- When you open the notifications from the notification center. in this case, `notificationOpened` event will be fired.


constructor() {
	NotificationsIOS.addEventListener('notificationReceivedForeground', this.onNotificationReceivedForeground.bind(this));
    NotificationsIOS.addEventListener('notificationReceivedBackground', this.onNotificationReceivedBackground.bind(this));
    NotificationsIOS.addEventListener('notificationOpened', this.onNotificationOpened.bind(this));

onNotificationReceivedForeground(notification) {
	console.log("Notification Received - Foreground", notification);
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onNotificationReceivedBackground(notification) {
	console.log("Notification Received - Background", notification);
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onNotificationOpened(notification) {
	console.log("Notification opened by device user", notification);
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componentWillUnmount() {
	// Don't forget to remove the event listeners to prevent memory leaks!
	NotificationsIOS.removeEventListener('notificationReceivedForeground', this.onNotificationReceivedForeground.bind(this));
	NotificationsIOS.removeEventListener('notificationReceivedBackground', this.onNotificationReceivedBackground.bind(this));
	NotificationsIOS.removeEventListener('notificationOpened', this.onNotificationOpened.bind(this));

#### Notification Object
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When you receive a push notification, you'll get an instance of `IOSNotification` object, contains the following methods:

- **`getMessage()`**- returns the notification's main message string.
- **`getSound()`**- returns the sound string from the `aps` object.
- **`getBadgeCount()`**- returns the badge count number from the `aps` object.
- **`getCategory()`**- returns the category from the `aps` object (related to interactive notifications).
- **`getData()`**- returns the data payload (additional info) of the notification.
- **`getType()`**- returns `managed` for managed notifications, otherwise returns `regular`.

#### Background Queue (Important!)
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When a push notification is opened but the app is not running, the application will be in a **cold launch** state, until the JS engine is up and ready to handle the notification.
The application will collect the events (notifications, actions, etc.) that happend during the cold launch for you. 

When your app is ready (most of the time it's after the call to `requestPermissions()`), just call to `NotificationsIOS.consumeBackgroundQueue();` in order to consume the background queue. For more info see `index.ios.js` in the example app.

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### Android

import {NotificationsAndroid} from 'react-native-notifications';

// On Android, we allow for only one (global) listener per each event type.
NotificationsAndroid.setNotificationReceivedListener((notification) => {
	console.log("Notification received on device", notification.getData());
NotificationsAndroid.setNotificationOpenedListener((notification) => {
	console.log("Notification opened by device user", notification.getData());

#### Notification Object
- **`getData()`**- content of the `data` section of the original message (sent to GCM).
- **`getTitle()`**- Convenience for returning `data.title`.
- **`getMessage()`**- Convenience for returning `data.body`.

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## Querying initial notification

React-Native's [`PushNotificationsIOS.getInitialNotification()`]( allows for the async retrieval of the original notification used to open the App on iOS, but it has no equivalent implementation for Android.

We provide a similar implementation on Android using `PendingNotifications.getInitialNotification()` which returns a promise:

import {NotificationsAndroid, PendingNotifications} from 'react-native-notifications';

  .then((notification) => {
  		console.log("Initial notification was:", (notification ? notification.getData() : 'N/A');
  .catch((err) => console.error("getInitialNotifiation() failed", err));


> Notifications are considered 'initial' under the following terms:

> - User tapped on a notification, _AND_ -
> - App was either not running at all ("dead" state), _OR_ it existed in the background with **no running activities** associated with it.

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## Triggering Local Notifications
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### iOS

You can manually trigger local notifications in your JS code, to be posted immediately or in the future.
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Triggering local notifications is fully compatible with React Native `PushNotificationsIOS` library.


let localNotification = NotificationsIOS.localNotification({
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	alertBody: "Local notificiation!",
	alertTitle: "Local Notification Title",
	alertAction: "Click here to open",
	soundName: "chime.aiff",
	category: "SOME_CATEGORY",
	userInfo: { }

Notification object contains:

- **`fireDate`**- The date and time when the system should deliver the notification (optinal - default is immidiate dispatch).
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- `alertBody`- The message displayed in the notification alert.
- `alertTitle`- The title of the notification, displayed in the notifications center.
- `alertAction`- The "action" displayed beneath an actionable notification.
- `soundName`- The sound played when the notification is fired (optional).
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- `category`- The category of this notification, required for [interactive notifications](#interactive--actionable-notifications-ios-only) (optional).
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- `userInfo`- An optional object containing additional notification data.

337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350
### Android

Much like on iOS, notifications can be triggered locally. The API to do so is a simplified version of the iOS equivalent that works more natually with the Android perception of push (remote) notifications:

	title: "Local notification",
	body: "This notification was generated by the app!",
	extra: "data"

Upon notification opening (tapping by the device user), all data fields will be delivered as-is).

### Cancel Local Notification
The `NotificationsIOS.localNotification()` and `NotificationsAndroid.localNotification()` methods return unique `notificationId` values, which can be used in order to cancel specific local notifications. You can cancel local notification by calling `NotificationsIOS.cancelLocalNotification(notificationId)` or `NotificationsAndroid.cancelLocalNotification(notificationId)`.

Example (iOS):
355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368

let someLocalNotification = NotificationsIOS.localNotification({
	alertBody: "Local notificiation!",
	alertTitle: "Local Notification Title",
	alertAction: "Click here to open",
	soundName: "chime.aiff",
	category: "SOME_CATEGORY",
	userInfo: { }


### Cancel All Local Notifications (iOS-only!)
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## Managed Notifications (iOS only)
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Managed notifications are notifications that can be cleared by a server request.
You can find this feature in facebook messenger, when you receive a message in your mobile, but open it in facebook web. More examples are Whatsapp web and gmail app.

In order to handle managed notifications, your app must support background notifications, and the server should send the notifications you'd like to "manage" a bit differently. Let's start.

First, enable the *Remote notifications* checkbox under **capabilities - Background Modes**:
![Background Modes](

Then, add the following lines to `info.plist`:


That's it for the client side!

Now the server should push the notification a bit differently- background instead of reguler. You should also provide the action (`CREATE` notification or `CLEAR` notification), and `notificationId` as a unique identifier of the notification.

**Regular** notification payload:

  aps: {
    alert: {
      body: "This is regular notification"
	badge: 5,
	sound: "chime.aiff",

**Managed** notification payload:

  aps: {
  	"content-available": 1
  managedAps: {
    action: "CREATE", // set it to "CLEAR" in order to clear the notification remotely
    notificationId: "1234", // must be unique identifier
    sound: "chime.aiff",
    alert: {
      body: "This is managed notification"


## PushKit API (iOS only)

The PushKit framework provides the classes for your iOS apps to receive background pushes from remote servers. it has better support for background notifications compared to regular push notifications with `content-available: 1`. More info in [iOS PushKit documentation](

### Register to PushKit
After [preparing your app to receive VoIP push notifications](, add the following lines to `appDelegate.m` in order to support PushKit events:

#import "RNNotifications.h"
#import <PushKit/PushKit.h>

And the following methods:

// PushKit API Support
- (void)pushRegistry:(PKPushRegistry *)registry didUpdatePushCredentials:(PKPushCredentials *)credentials forType:(NSString *)type
  [RNNotifications didUpdatePushCredentials:credentials forType:type];

- (void)pushRegistry:(PKPushRegistry *)registry didReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload:(PKPushPayload *)payload forType:(NSString *)type
  [RNNotifications didReceiveRemoteNotification:payload.dictionaryPayload];

In your ReactNative code, add event handler for `pushKitRegistered` event and call to `registerPushKit()`:

constructor() {
	NotificationsIOS.addEventListener('pushKitRegistered', this.onPushKitRegistered.bind(this));

onPushKitRegistered(deviceToken) {
	console.log("PushKit Token Received: " + deviceToken);

componentWillUnmount() {
	// Don't forget to remove the event listeners to prevent memory leaks!
	NotificationsIOS.removeEventListener('pushKitRegistered', onPushKitRegistered(this));

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> 1. Notice that PushKit device token and regular notifications device token are different, so you must handle two different tokens in the server side in order to support this feature.
> 2. PushKit will not request permissions from the user for push notifications.
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## Interactive / Actionable Notifications

> This section provides description for iOS. For notifications customization on Android, refer to [our wiki](
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Interactive notifications allow you to reply to a message right from the notification banner or take action right from the lock screen. 

On the Lock screen and within Notification Center, you swipe from right to left 
to reveal actions. Destructive actions, like trashing an email, are color-coded red. Relatively neutral actions, like dismissing an alert or declining an invitation, are color-coded gray.

For banners, you pull down to reveal actions as buttons. For popups, the actions are immediately visible — the buttons are right there.

You can find more info about interactive notifications [here](

![Interactive Notifications](

Notification **actions** allow the user to interact with a given notification.

Notification **categories** allow you to group multiple actions together, and to connect the actions with the push notification itself.

In order to support interactive notifications, firstly add the following methods to `appDelegate.m` file:

// Required for the notification actions.
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application handleActionWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier forLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notification withResponseInfo:(NSDictionary *)responseInfo completionHandler:(void (^)())completionHandler
  [RNNotifications handleActionWithIdentifier:identifier forLocalNotification:notification withResponseInfo:responseInfo completionHandler:completionHandler];

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application handleActionWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier forRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo withResponseInfo:(NSDictionary *)responseInfo completionHandler:(void (^)())completionHandler
  [RNNotifications handleActionWithIdentifier:identifier forRemoteNotification:userInfo withResponseInfo:responseInfo completionHandler:completionHandler];

Then, follow the basic workflow of adding interactive notifications to your app:

1. Config the actions.
2. Group actions together into categories.
3. Register to push notifications with the configured categories.
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4. Push a notification (or trigger a [local](#triggering-local-notifications) one) with the configured category name.
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### Example
#### Config the Actions
We will config two actions: upvote and reply.

import NotificationsIOS, { NotificationAction, NotificationCategory } from 'react-native-notifications';

let upvoteAction = new NotificationAction({
  activationMode: "background",
  title: String.fromCodePoint(0x1F44D),
  identifier: "UPVOTE_ACTION"
}, (action, completed) => {
  console.log("ACTION RECEIVED");

  // You must call to completed(), otherwise the action will not be triggered

let replyAction = new NotificationAction({
  activationMode: "background",
  title: "Reply",
  behavior: "textInput",
  authenticationRequired: true,
  identifier: "REPLY_ACTION"
}, (action, completed) => {
  console.log("ACTION RECEIVED");



#### Config the Category
We will group `upvote` action and `reply` action into a single category: `EXAMPLE_CATEGORY `. If the notification contains `EXAMPLE_CATEGORY ` under `category` field, those actions will appear.

let exampleCategory = new NotificationCategory({
  identifier: "EXAMPLE_CATEGORY",
  actions: [upvoteAction, replyAction],
  context: "default"

#### Register to Push Notifications
Instead of basic registration like we've done before, we will register the device to push notifications with the category we've just created.


#### Push an Interactive Notification
Notification payload should look like this:

  aps: {
	// ... (alert, sound, badge, etc)

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The [example app]( contains this interactive notification example, you can follow there.
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### `NotificationAction` Payload

- `title` - Action button title.
- `identifier` - Action identifier (must be unique).
- `activationMode` - Indicating whether the app should activate to the foreground or background.
	- `foreground` (default) - Activate the app and put it in the foreground.
	- `background` - Activate the app and put it in the background. If the app is already in the foreground, it remains in the foreground.
- `behavior` - Indicating additional behavior that the action supports.
	- `default` - No additional behavior.
	- `textInput` - When button is tapped, the action opens a text input. the text will be delivered to your action callback.
- `destructive` - A Boolean value indicating whether the action is destructive. When the value of this property is `true`, the system displays the corresponding button differently to indicate that the action is destructive.
- `authenticationRequired` - A Boolean value indicating whether the user must unlock the device before the action is performed.

### `NotificationCategory` Payload

- `identifier` - The name of the action group (must be unique).
- `actions` - An array of `NotificationAction` objects, which related to this category.
- `context` - Indicating the amount of space available for displaying actions in a notification.
	- `default` (default) - Displayes up to 4 actions (full UI).
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	- `minimal` - Displays up tp 2 actions (minimal UI).

## License
The MIT License.

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